- It is time for the ringers to change off. 是敲鐘人換班的時候了。
- It is time for somebody to teach you to behave yourself. 該是有人教你應對進退之禮儀的時候了。
- It is time for him to put in the best player. 該讓最優秀的隊員出場擊球了。
- It is time for children to be in bed . 孩子們就寢的時間到了。
- It is time for these people to wake up. 現在這些人應該覺悟過來了。
- It is time for this war to be brought to an end. 這場戰爭必須結束了。
- It is time for us to have our meals. 我們該去吃飯去了。
- It is time for us to reform the superstructure. 現在我們的上層建築非改不行。
- It is time for us to wind up the debate. 我們該結束這場辯論了。
- It is time for the clarification of the situation. 澄清事實的時候到了。
- Now it is time for Hank and Tim to go home. 現在是漢克跟提姆該回家的時候了。
- It is time for supper, come down, kids. 開飯了,孩子們,下樓來。
- It is time for someone to put him in his place. 該是有人懲罰那傢伙的時候了。
- Then it is time for lunch,followed by a brief rest. 然後就該吃中飯了,中飯後稍稍休息一會兒。
- It is time for us to say "No" to America. 是我們對美國說不的時候了。
- Now it is time for me to repay my debt to you. 現在是我向你們報恩的時候了。」
- It is time for her to answer the question. 是該她回答問題的時候了。
- It is time for our program to bid you goodbye. 我們的節目也該跟您說再見了。
- It is time for the yearly check of vehicle safety. 到車輛安全年審的時間了。
- It is time for us to carry outthis plan. 是我們實施這個計劃的時候了。