- It's going to buy a large amount of longer term treasury bonds , the IOUs, issued by the government which are repayable in 10 to 30 years time. 他們計劃大量買進長期國債,即政府開出的借條,承諾所借款項將在10-30年內償還。
- We must aim for world peace in the long term. 我們要爭取持久的世界和平。
- We hope to make great profit in the long term. 我們希望長期獲利。
- How to Distinguish National Treasury Bond? 如何鑒別國庫券的真偽?
- Based on an overall consideration of various factors, we plan to issue 140 billion Yuan of long-term construction treasury bonds in 2003. 綜合考慮各方面因素,今年擬發行1400億元長期建設國債。
- Corporations can achieve short term financing through a bill facility, however for long term financing the best method is for them to issue a bond in their own name. 公司通過匯票獲得短期貸款,但是要獲取長期貸款的話,最好的方法是以他們的名義發行債券。
- Treasury bonds also offer a yield premium over German bunds. 美國國債的收益率也高於德國國債。
- Based on an overall consideration of various factors,we plan to issue 140 billion Yuan of long-term construction treasury bonds in 2003. 綜合考慮各方面因素,我們2003年擬發行1400億元長期建設國債。
- In the long term we hope to make large profits on it. 從長遠來看我們希望能靠它賺一大筆錢。
- I'm going to the bank to cash in the treasury bonds I bought. 我要到銀行去兌取國庫卷。
- They were much more realistic about its long term commercial prospects. 他們對它的長遠商業前景更為現實。
- Secular factors are more long term in nature. 長期因素卻是長期的。
- Finance: 150 billion yuan of treasury bonds will be issued this year. 財政:擬發1500億長期建設國債
- They were sentenced to long terms in prison. 他們被判處長期徒刑。
- Yields on ten-year Treasury bonds rose past 5% during trading on June 7th. 6月7日10年期國庫券的收益在交易時超過5%25。
- Long term problems with pollution has made Japanese scientists leading authorities on algal blooms. 長期的污染問題使日本科學家在研究海藻過剩方面居世界領先水平。
- Q: China plans to issue 270 billion yuan worth of special state treasury bonds to supplement the capital of state-owned commercial banks. Does this have anything to do with the reform of the central bank's reserve fund system? 問:中國要發行2700億元特別國債以補充國有商業銀行的資本金,這與中央銀行的準備金制度改革有無關係?
- What are your short and long term goals? 你對於短期和長期的目標是什麼?
- Is Fiber Supplement Suitable For Long Term Use? 纖維補充劑是否可長期食用?
- Real estate is a long term investment. 房地產是一項長期投資。