- Drugs used in the treatment of heart diseases can produce heart block. 治療心臟病的藥物能產生心臟傳導阻滯。治療心臟病的某些藥物能產生心臟傳導阻滯。
- Regular irregularities occur with constant periodicity and are usually associated with partial heart block. 規律的不整脈隨固定周期出現,而且常伴有心臟部分傳導阻滯。
- Electrocardiogram findings include sinus bradycardia, sinus arrest, sinoatrial heart block, and asystole. 心電圖檢查結果包括竇性心動過緩、竇性停搏、竇性心臟傳導阻滯,和心搏停止。
- Bowsprit Blocks: Shows the heart block, where the Fore-main stay will connect. 船首斜桅滑輪:心狀滑輪,連接前主系留。
- Third degree heart block may also be congenital and has been linked to the presence of lupus in the mother. 什麽是'先天性心臟傳導阻滯-疾病傳播的電脈衝,從上降低心臟病商會自出生'?
- Sixty-fie percent of subsequent siblings had manifestations of NLE, including 30% with congenital heart block, often in association with a skin rash. 其餘有NLE表現的患者(30%25有先天性心臟傳導阻滯),65%25合併有皮膚表現。
- The best example of S1 variation with P-R interval occurs in complete heart block, in which atrial and ventricular contractions are dissociated. S1隨P-R間期而變的最好例子是在完全心臟傳導阻滯期,此時的房、室收縮是分離的。
- Long-term isoproterenol infusion also induced premature entricular contractions and atrioentricular heart block in junctin-null mice. 長期異丙腎上腺素輸入也可在連接素缺陷小鼠誘發室性期前收縮和房室傳導阻滯。
- Sixty-five percent of subsequent siblings had manifestations of NLE, including 30% with congenital heart block, often in association with a skin rash. 其餘有NLE表現的患者(30%25有先天性心臟傳導阻滯),65%25合併有皮膚表現。
- This manifestation is thus primarily transient and treatable, although the risk of "cross-oer" to congenital heart block in subsequent pregnancies is significant. 雖然這些表現最初是暫時的,且可治癒,但是在後來的妊娠中發展為先天性心臟傳導阻滯的幾率很高。
- Short-term isoproterenol stimulation elicited arrhythmias, including premature entricular contractions, atrioentricular heart block, and entricular tachycardia. 短期異丙腎上腺素刺激可以誘發心律失常,包括室性期前收縮,房室傳導阻滯和室性心動過速。
- Objective: To develop a novel method for treating complete heart block by transplanting autologous sinoatrial node(SAN) cells to the right ventricle adjacent to heart apex. 摘要目的:將未成年豬竇房結細胞移植到自體右室近心尖部,探索臨床治療完全性房室傳導阻滯的新方法。
- My heart beat thick in the course of the interview. 在面試過程中我的心跳得厲害。
- The clinical characteristics and subsequent results in these hyperthyroidism patients with angina pectoris,acute myocardial infarction(AMI)),mitral valve prolapse(MVP),diastolic murmur and heart block were reported. 報告了甲亢併發房顫、心臟增大、心力衰竭、心絞痛、心肌梗塞、二尖瓣脫垂、舒張期雜音及心臟傳導阻滯的臨床特徵。
- Mr Jones has a long history of heart trouble. 瓊斯先生有長期的心臟病史。
- More than once I've felt my heart slip a cog. 我不止一次感到心臟突然停跳一下。
- The invader thrust the blade of his bayonet into the woman's heart. 侵略兵把刺刀的刀身刺入那個婦人的心臟。
- My heart was thumping with happiness. 我的心興奮得咚咚直跳。
- Bow Church is dear to the heart of every Londoner. 聖瑪利教堂是每一位倫敦市民心愛的地方。
- I felt as if my heart would burst with joy. 我覺得自己高興得心花怒放。