- This is the innovation of banking payment and clearing system. 這是銀行支付結算系統的創新。
- It later became the debt clearing system of Hong Kong. 其後,債務工具中央結算系統更成為香港的債券結算系統。
- Any application received after this date will be entered directly into the Clearing system. 任何在這一日期之後收到的申請都會直接進入結算系統。
- NCR established an Automatic Cheque Clearing System for People's Bank of China, Beijing Branch. 為中國人民銀行北京分行建置票據自動清分系統。
- Our USD clearing system, introduced in 2000, has demonstrated that a niche exists for services of this type in this part of the world. 我們在2000年推行的美元結算系統,已證明它正好配合了這個時區對這類服務的需要。
- Besides being used in paying transportation fee, such micro transactions and clearing system is also being applied in small retail payments. 這個微型交易及結算系統除繳付交通費外,還用於小額零售付款。
- An unmatched trade from a previous day that is resubmitted to the clearing system; trade is submitted 'as of' the original trade date. 前日未成交的單再被傳送到結算系統並保留在原有的交易日。
- The purpose of this US dollar clearing system is to facilitate the efficient settlement of US dollar transactions in our time zone. 推出美元結算系統的目的,是要促進在亞洲時區內進行美元交易的結算效率。
- Presentment for payment made to the drawee through an authorized collecting bank or at a clearing system is deemed as presentment made by the holder. 通過委託收款銀行或者通過票據交換系統向付款人提示付款的,視同持票人提示付款。
- The bank will make local currency payments in much the same way by submitting a bulk payment file to the local clearing system. 然後,本地的清算系統把各種支付指令歸類,用包含全部單獨支付指令的批量文件把這些只發送到每一家收款銀行。
- The purpose of this euro clearing system is to facilitate the efficient settlement of euro transactions on a real-time basis within the Hong Kong time zone. 設立歐元結算系統,是為了讓歐元交易能夠在香港時區內高效率地進行即時結算。
- Brought home to us the risk of serious disruptions to the global settlement system and underlined the importance of our US dollar clearing system as a risk management service. 九一一事件令我們深切體會全球結算系統受到嚴重干擾的風險,並清楚顯明香港的美元結算系統是重要的風險管理工具。
- For the effective operation of currency board arrangements, the organisation responsible for running the system has to manage the electronic interbank clearing system as well. 為使貨幣發行局制度有效運作,負責運作的機構必須同時也是管理電子化銀行同業結算系統的機構。
- Scenarios will help to describe such security considerations in a way which leads to a clear system of concepts towards enhancing security. 情景將有助於描述這種安全的事項,以此生成一種明確的關於加強安全的概念體系。
- The treasury payment system focused on the overall analysis of the design,a clear system of the overall structure and process. 該文通過對國庫集中支付系統的總體分析設計,明確該子系統的總體結構和處理流程。
- The CMU was linked to Euroclear and Cedel,the two largest international clearing systems in the world,in December 1994. 一九九四年十二月,中央結算系統與歐洲結算系統及世達國際結算系統這兩個全球最大國際結算系統聯網。
- The clear water mirrored the blue sky. 清澈的水中映出蔚藍的天空。
- In that case you'll have to clear yourself. 那樣,你只得自行辯白了。
- The plane climbed until it was clear of the clouds. 飛機爬升穿出了雲層。
- In line with international practice and with the recommendations by the Bank for International Settlements, a private sector solution has been devised for the US dollar clearing system. 按照國際慣例以及參考國際結算銀行的建議,我們為美元結算系統定出了一個私營機構解決辦法。