- The internal security forces are composed of contingents and mobile divisions. 內衛部隊由各總隊和機動師組成。
- Costa Rica has no military and maintains only domestic police and security forces for internal security. 格斯達里加沒有軍事和維護唯一國內警察和安全部隊為內部安全。
- The internal security force is composed of contingents and mobile divisions. 內衛部隊由各分遣隊和機動師組成。
- The General Headquarters of the Armed Police Force,as the chief commanding organ of the Armed Police Force,commands and administers internal security forces,and gold mine,forest,water conservancy,electricity power,and transportation forces. 武警總部是武警部隊的領導指揮機關,領導管理武警內衛部隊和黃金、森林、水電、交通部隊。
- The security forces say they will flush out all the troublemakers. 保安人員說他們一定把所有搗亂分子清出來。
- The police component of the international security force, known as UNPOL, recently tried to raise public awareness by releasing tips on kidnapping preparedness. 警局的成員,國際安全部隊,眾所周知的UNPOL新近嘗試提升公眾對準備綁架釋放費的知曉率。
- The Internal Security Academy of Internal Security Force, Singapore 新加坡內衛部隊內衛學院簡介
- Security forces were placed on alert. 治安警備力量進入了警戒狀態。
- But the monster still stalks his security forces. 但他的安全部隊仍然以此為信仰。
- Security forces are patrolling Ahmedabad streets. 安全部隊正在艾哈邁達巴德接上迅雷。
- the internal security forces 內務安全部隊
- An internal security database corruption has been encountered. 安全性資料庫內部出現損壞。
- An internal security vehicle that was configured for rough terrain. 專為崎嶇道路而設計的內部安全車輛
- Bangladesh has an army, but it is a twopenny halfpenny affair kept deliberately weak, with the security forces split into three separate groups. 孟加拉國擁有一支軍隊,但是由於安全部隊分裂成三個獨立的派別,這支軍隊微不足道,並且有意使之弱小。
- The intelligence and internal security agency of the Soviet Union. 克格勃蘇聯情報和國家安全委員會。
- This is an important defense against internal security risks. 這是一個防範內部危險分子的重要措施。
- The children "disappeared" with their parents when security forces invaded their home in Buenos Aires. 孩子們在安全部隊攻擊他們布宜諾斯艾利斯的家時隨著父母"失蹤"了。
- Police operated under the umbrella of the security forces. 警方在保安部隊的掩護下採取了行動.
- Security forces were given sweeping powers to search homes. 安全部隊獲授予入戶搜查的絕對權力。
- A report server uses an internal security extension to verify user permissions. 報表伺服器使用內部安全擴展插件來驗證用戶許可權。