- I think there is no gulf between my daughter and I. 我認為我和我女兒之間沒有隔閡。
- The earthquake left a gulf in the fields. 地震在田地里留下一條裂口。
- I can send him a note via the internal mail system. 我可以通過內部通信系統給他發個通知。
- An unfathomable chasm; a yawning gulf. 深淵,無底洞深不可測的裂縫; 張開的深壑
- The convoy commodore sees to the internal management of the convoy. 艦隊司令官負責管理艦隊的內部問題。
- This is not the season for internal quarrels. 現在不是內部相爭的時候。
- I talked to him on the internal telephone. 我在內部電話上與他交談。
- He indicated the location of the Persian Gulf with a pen on the map. 他用一支筆在地圖上標出了波斯灣的位置。
- There was a rapid increase in internal trade. 國內貿易迅速增長。
- A tube with a very small internal diameter. 毛細管一根內徑十分細小的管子
- The new intern is a little frisky. 這個新來的實習生有一點愛戲鬧。
- Hurricanes periodically menace the Gulf Coast. 颶風常常威脅著墨西哥灣海岸。
- I worked as an intern in that firm last summer. 去年夏天我在那家商行實習。
- The tanker sink when she is en route to the gulf. 油船在去海灣的途中沉了。
- The Gulf War has sapped Iraqi vitality badly. 海灣戰爭使伊拉克大傷元氣。
- These internal disputes have weakened the party's power. 這些內部糾紛削弱了這個政黨的力量。
- The Mississippi rolls south to the Gulf of Mexico. 密西西比河滔滔地向南流入墨西哥灣。
- The gulf between the two leaders cannot be bridged. 兩位領導人之間的鴻溝難以跨越。
- Colonel Brown saw service in the Gulf War. 布朗上校參加過海灣戰爭。
- She looked back upon that past over a great gulf. 她是隔著一條深淵去回首往事的。