- Mouse apoptosis inducing factor,AIF Elisa Kit;... 小鼠凋亡誘導因子(AIF)試劑盒;
- They raise the antiviral responses in the infected cells by inducing several interferon inducible pathways. 主要通過幾種干擾素誘導途徑來提高感染的細胞抗病毒應答。
- It is posed that the population boom is a disaster, which is closely related to the all natural disasters and human disaster and is an inducing factor. 本文從災害學的角度提出了人口過多或增長過快也是一種災害,這種災害與所有的自然災害和人文災害密切相關,是許多災害的誘發因素。
- Yellow bean sprouts contain a kind of interferon inducing agent, can induce interferon, an increase of human anti-viral, anti-cancer swelling capacity. 黃豆芽中含有一種干擾素誘生劑,能誘發乾擾素,增加人體抗病毒、抗癌腫的能力。
- Apoptosis inducing factor(AIF), whose gene lies in X chromosome, is likely an apoptogenic effector protein to mediates nuclear apoptosis directly. 凋亡誘導因子 (apoptosis inducingfactor ;AIF)基因定位於X染色體上 ;其編碼產物是一種可直接介導細胞核凋亡的效應分子 .
- METHODS analysing the position, the nature,the degree,the inducing factor and the accompanying symptoms of acute bellyache. 方法對急性腹痛的部位、性質、程度、誘發因素及伴隨癥狀進行分析。
- The primary factor of soil erosion is the erosion of Yanshan Period granite, the secondary factor is heavy rainfall, and the inducing factor is human activity. 水土流失產生的主導因素是燕山期花崗岩分佈的丘陵區岩體結構遭到破壞;從屬因素是持續強烈的降雨,從而加劇了水土流失;激發因素是人類工程活動對地質環境的破壞。
- The origin of honest deficiency is not the network but the fraudulence in interpersonal communication, and the particularity of network circumstance as an inducing factor. 誠信缺失的根源不在網路,而在於人際交往已有的欺騙性,網路環境的特殊性只是其誘因。
- Its biological and antigenic characteristics are as same as that of the interferon induced in vitro from the serum of grass carp. 其特性與病毒體內誘導草魚產生的干擾素相一致且具有相同的抗原性;表明兩者是同一種干擾素.
- HEK293 cell was chose to study the kidney damage of cadmium and to explore the significance of caspase 3,Bcl-2 and AIF(apoptosis inducing factor)in the apoptosis of cells in- duced by cadmium. 本課題研究了氯化鎘(CdCl_2)誘導HEK293細胞(人胚胎腎細胞系)的凋亡,初步探討了凋亡過程中Caspase-3、Bcl-2的變化和凋亡誘導因子(AIF)的轉移以及它們的意義。
- Conclusion The OFR plays an important role in high altitude cerebral edema.It is also a critical inducing factor in the change of permeability of BBB under high altitude environmental exposure. 結論氧自由基在高原腦水腫形成中起了重要作用,是高原環境下血腦屏障通透性增高的重要因素。
- Moreover just the problems of impartial incomes become the inducing factor to social unstableness.We need to improve the institution, conform to the orders and implement the measures of the inc... 當前需要完善收入分配製度、規範收入分配秩序、落實收入公平分配措施,促進社會和諧發展。
- The result showed chromosome abnormal is a basis reasons of Down syndrome, It has occasional and inducing factor such as years of morn, environment and so on have an important effect to it. 再次證明染色體畸變是唐氏征的根本原因,而導致染色體畸變的誘因有母親的年齡,環境等因素,它具有偶發性。我們必須加強孕婦的環境保護,加強唐氏征的預防和篩查工作。
- Postoperative half year is high incidence stage of incision hernia and all inducing factors should be avoided. 術後半年內是腹壁切口疝發生的高峰期,應特別注意保護,盡量避免一切誘發因素。
- By multiple factor analysis,abnormal posture,emotional tension,moisture and fatigue were the main inducing factors of incidence of cervical spondylopathy. 經多因素分析:體位姿勢不正確、情緒緊張、潮濕、疲勞是發病的主要誘因。
- Objective: To investigate inducing factors of patients with congestive heart failure(CHF). 目的:回顧性探討充血性心力衰竭(CHF)患者發病誘發因素。
- interferon γinducible protein 10 γ干擾素誘導蛋白-10
- Interferon induced transmembrane protein 1 干擾素誘導跨膜蛋白1
- CNV and eye anterior segment inflammatory reaction are two inducing factors of immunological rejection. 而新生血管和眼前段炎症反應是角膜植片發生免疫排斥反應的2個主要誘發因素。
- interferon inducible protein 10(IP-10) 干擾素誘導蛋白10