- 內部的,裡面的,內側的,最裡層的
- 秘密的,內幕的,從內部了解到的,私下的
- 內線乾的
- 在屋裡的;在室內工作的;在室內使用的
- 戶內的,屋裡的,(在)室內的
- 適於裡面的
- 混入組織內部的
- 在裡面,在內,在內部;往裡面
- <英俚>在監牢里,在監獄里;向監牢
- 內心,在心裡
- 在戶內,在室內,在屋內
- 本性上
- 內部,裡面,內面
- 腸胃;內臟
- 內圈,內側
- 慢車道,里道,內道
- 內情,內幕
- <口>肚子
- 內容
- 【體】界內;線內;場內
- 內心思想,(人的) 本性
- 少於
- 在…內,在…里,在...內部
- 在...以內
- 在...深處
- 在…的心裡
- [S]裡面,內部 the part near the middle of sth
- [A]內部的; 裡面的; 內側的 forming the inner part of sth; not on the outer side
- (表示位置或方向)在〔到〕…裡面 on or to the inner side of (sb/sth); within
- 〈非正〉(表示時間)少於 (of time) in less than (sth)
the region that is inside of something
the inner or enclosed surface of something
relating to or being on the side closer to the center or within a defined space;
"he reached into his inside jacket pocket"
"inside out"
"an inside pitch is between home plate and the batter"
being or applying to the inside of a building;
"an inside wall"
confined to an exclusive group;
"privy to inner knowledge"
"inside information"
"privileged information"
away from the outer edge;
"an inner lahne"
"the inside lane"
within a building;
"in winter we play inside"
on the inside;
"inside, the car is a mess"
with respect to private feelings;
"inwardly, she was raging"
in reality;
"she is very kind at heart"
- All the inside rooms were skylighted.
所有裡面的房間都裝了天窗。 - Maybe it is in your inside pocket.
- She shook it to make certain there was nothing inside.
她把它搖了搖,想知道裡面確實沒有東西。 - We have to play inside because it is raining.
- The driver behind me tried to overtake on the inside.
- He parked his car inside the gate.
- inside out
〈非正〉徹底地,完全地thoroughly; completely
- on the inside
使用內車道using the lane that is furthest away from the center of the road or motorway
- paint the inside of the house 給房子內部塗漆
- on the inside 在〔從〕裡面
- from the outside to the inside 由表及裡
- the inside of… 的內部〔內側〕
Her insides contracted in a spasm of disgust.
出自: R. Lindner