- They do not have a nuclear membrane and so no discrete nucleus. 原核體細胞沒有核膜,因此也沒有界限分明的細胞核。
- The nuclear membrane invaginates and lysosomes are internalized. 核膜內陷,於是溶酶體被內在化。
- Small intercellular space can be found occasionally in inner nuclear layer. 在內核層的內面可以看到少量的細胞間空隙。
- Chromatin is homo genous and nuclear membrane disappears to form matured sperm. 核的變化則經歷了染色質的解凝和核膜的消失,最後形成成熟的精子。
- At the cell's centre is the nucleus with an enveloping nuclear membrane. 細胞的中心是細胞核,細胞核由細胞膜包裹。
- Herpesviruses bud from the nuclear membrane into channels that lead directly to the intracellular space. 皰疹病毒是從核膜出芽經管狀結構而釋放到細胞空腔內。
- The binding site was in the peripheral rail fence of polyethylene glycol chain for CAS and in alkyl inner nuclear of miclle for TB. 並通過比較染料在不同溶劑的吸收光譜 ,推斷了表面活性劑與染料相互作用點的位置 ,證明了極性較大的 CAS位於聚氧乙烯鏈的外圍「柵欄」中 ,而極性較小的 TB則位於膠束的烷基「內核」
- The results showed that both the inner plexiform layer (IPL) and some amacrine cells in the inner nuclear layer (INL) were strongly labeled. 結果顯示內核層內一些無長突細胞及內網層呈陽性反應。
- At PD6, as the presence of the OPL becomes obvious, the outer nuclear layer (ONL) and inner nuclear layer (INL) are much clearer. 6日齡時,外網層開始清晰,外核層與內核層更加清晰;
- The immunostaining was also found in some displaced ganglion cell, astrocyte and oligodendrocyte in inner nuclear layer (INL). 此外,在內神經顆粒層,有部分移行的神經節細胞、星狀細胞和寡樹突膠質細胞也呈現免疫反應。
- In this type of cells the nucleus is well defined, being enclosed within a nuclear membrane. 在這類細胞,核界限分明,被包裹在核膜內。
- Chiasmata are seen during this stage, and by the end of diakinesis the nucleoli and nuclear membrane have disappeared. 在這個時期可以看見交叉,在終變期末細胞核中的核仁,核膜消失。
- There were only few and thin axon branches from photoreceptor cells, and very few axons contacted with inner nuclear layer (INL) and no typical synapse was found. 感光細胞軸突分支少而細,與內核層細胞間聯繫較少,未見典型的「突觸」結構。
- AMA and M2 positive were found in all PBC, and its main ANA pattern was nuclear membrane. PBC患者AMA和M2全部陽性 ;
- Results: Mitochondrial metamorphic in ganglion cell, glia and the neurons of inner nuclear layer occurred in the end of the forth week, and enhanced from then on. 結果 自第4周末開始,STZ誘導的糖尿病SD大鼠的視網膜上,先後在神經節細胞、神經膠質細胞和內核層神經細胞內出現線粒體的改變,隨著糖尿病病程的延長,變性逐漸加重。對照組SD大鼠視網膜未出現類似改變。
- ANA were 90.7% positive in AIH patients, and its main ANA pattern was nuclear membrane(19/39). AIH患者的ANA陽性率為90.;7%25;以核膜型為主(19/39)。
- Under electron microscope, chromatin gathered along the inside of the nuclear membrane, vacuole bodies appeared. 電鏡下可見胞質中出現空泡樣結構,細胞染色質濃集於核膜內側並裂解成碎塊狀;
- Results TACO was mainly distributed near the cellular membrane and nuclear membrane. 結果TACO主要分佈在細胞膜和核膜附近區域。
- The aggregates of heterochromatin around the nuclear membrane and the shrinkage of nucleus were also observed. 睾丸間質細胞胞漿內線粒體變性,溶酶體增多,胞質內有大量空泡,可見染色質邊聚和細胞核固縮現象。
- All fungi are eukaryotic organisms, and each fungal cell has at least one nucleus and nuclear membrane, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, and secretory apparatus. 真菌是真核生物,含有核、核膜、內質網、線粒體和分泌裝置。