- His offspring are diligent and intelligent. 他的後代既勤奮又聰明。
- She knew him to be industrious and clever. 她知道他既勤奮又聰明。
- Yet it was a manly face, serious and intelligent. 可是,那是一張男子漢的臉龐,嚴肅而聰穎。
- The delicate girl is clear-eyed and intelligent. 這個女子秀外慧中,楚楚動人。
- The hybrid was tall, handsome, and intelligent. 那混血兒高大、英
- Strong body and intelligent face. 強壯的身體和智慧的臉孔.
- Michael was too clever and intelligent for me. 邁克爾聰明透頂, 我鬥不過他。
- A warrior has to be strong and intelligent. 武士必須強壯而機智。
- My bother is a sonsy and intelligent boy. 我的麻煩是一個幸運和聰明的男孩。
- She knows Peter to be industrious and clever. 她知道彼得可以勤奮些、機靈些的。
- GEMINI: You are a quick and intelligent thinker. 雙子:你是個快速而聰明的思考者。
- Where the people are industrious and courageous. 那裡的人們勤勞勇敢。
- Alert and intelligent, calm and observant. 警覺且聰明,平靜而謹慎。
- He succeeded both because he was industrious and because he had many friends to help him. 他的成功是由於勤勉和許多朋友的幫助。
- She far transcends the others in beauty and intelligence. 她才貌出眾。
- Honesty, industry and kindness are element of a good life. 誠實,勤奮和善良是良善的生活要素。
- Be honest and intelligent, study hard and act sincerely. 誠樸雄偉,厲學敦行。
- Honesty, industry and kindness are elements of a good life. 誠實、勤勞和善良是幸福生活的要素。
- Anthony Trollope was an industrious and disciplined writer. 安東尼·特羅洛普是一位勤奮而訓練有素的作家。
- You deserve to marry a capable and intelligent guy like me. 你就該嫁給一個像我這樣精明能幹的人。