- In the long history, the industrious and brave people of the ripple source, write a glorious chapter. 在漫長的歷史長河中,勤勞勇敢的淶源人民,譜寫了光輝的篇章。
- Its industrious and brave, sapient people have created brilliant national culture during a long time of productive labor and practice and building culture is a model among them. 勤勞、勇敢、智慧的白族人們在長期的生產和生活實踐中創造出了光輝燦爛的民族文化,以「三坊一照壁」、「四合五開井」為代表的建築文化就是其中的典型。
- An agile and brave cavalry rushed at the enemy. 一隊剽悍的騎兵向敵軍衝去。
- She knew him to be industrious and clever. 她知道他既勤奮又聰明。
- And our hearts, though stout and brave. 我們的心儘管英勇而堅強。
- She was straightforward, loyal and brave. 她單純、誠實,而又勇敢。
- She was smiling and looked so beautiful and brave. 她微笑著,看起來又漂亮又勇敢。
- We ought to face the world and brave the storm. 我們應該經風雨,見世面。
- She was gentle as a dove and brave as a lioness... 我所有的一切都歸功於我的母親。
- Purple: Stand for valiancy, hardihood, honesty, strong and brave. 紫色:表現驍勇、剛毅、正直、堅強、膽大。
- Courageous and brave, the man wanted to swim across the ocean. (懷著無畏和勇敢的精神,這位男子要游過海洋。)
- She knows Peter to be industrious and clever. 她知道彼得可以勤奮些、機靈些的。
- Our nation is a great nation which is laborious and brave. 我們的民族是一個勤勞勇敢的偉大民族。
- Where the people are industrious and courageous. 那裡的人們勤勞勇敢。
- He lived under the protection of a strong and brave chief. 他在一位堅強勇猛的首領保護下生活。
- He succeeded both because he was industrious and because he had many friends to help him. 他的成功是由於勤勉和許多朋友的幫助。
- They were grave and responsible men and brave soldiers. 他們都是認真負責的人,也是勇敢的軍人。
- The 22nd field army is a steady and brave people's army. 野戰二十二軍是一支毅勇的人民軍隊。
- We need someone cunning and brave to save the mermaids. 我們需要有人狡猾和勇敢拯救美人魚。
- Petr Cech.Another commanding and brave display of goalkeeping. 又一次居高臨下的勇敢的守門表現。