High-frequency inducing brazing equipment and technology of electromasnctic changevalve end capo is introduced and analyzed. 本文介紹了電磁換向閥兩端蓋高頻感應釺焊設備及工藝。
The electro-magnetic microgenerator utilizes a moving magnet or coil for inducing an alternating electric current in a circuit. 微型電磁發電器以移動中的磁鐵或線圈,在電路中製造出感應交流電。
The man in the street is not expected to know the intricacies of magic of inducing fertility or casting evil spells. 人們不會期待一個路人會知道引導豐收的魔術或施予邪惡的咒術。
From the agency's perspective, advice to the public can be a useful way of inducing voluntary compliance at minimal cost. 從行政機關的角度看,向公眾提供諮詢是一種投入最低的引導受管理者自願遵從規定的有益方式。