- The regions'per capita income of the farmers was also increasing at a far quicker pace than the country's average. 城鄉居民收入大幅度增加,農民人均收入增幅超過全國平均水平。
- Thus the income of the farmers and producers of edible oil and bio-energy will be improved. 由此農民和可食用油及生物柴油的生產者的收入會有所提高。
- The development of township enterprises to promote rural economic restructuring, increase the income of the farmers. 鄉鎮企業的發展促進了農村經濟結構調整,增加了農民收入。
- The farmers are lying by during the heat of the day. 農民們在中午最熱的時候歇工。
- The farmer haggled over the price of the cattle. 農民為那頭牛的價格爭執不已。
- We also took photographs of the farmers at work. 我們還給幹活的農民照了像。
- This fertile land bears the hopes of the farmers. 這塊富饒的土地,孕育著庄稼人的希望!
- The farmer gave an accurate account of the robbery. 農場主準確地描述了那場搶劫案。
- Did the farmer suck the poison out of the wound? 那位農民將毒液從傷口裡吸出來了嗎?
- Tell the children to stop out of the farmer's fields while the crops are growing. 告訴孩子們在莊稼生長期不要進入這農場主農田。
- Some of the farmers had been provident in the good years but others were ruined by the bad harvests. 有些農民在豐年節衣縮食有備無患,但也有些農民由於歉收而陷入絕境。
- The problem of "San-Nong" is ultimately how to enhance the income of the farmers, and the key of solving it isdeveloping countryside economy. "三農」問題的根本是農民增收問題,解決這一問題的關鍵是發展農村經濟。
- Livestock and poultry industry, the rapid development of fruit production steadily, increasing the income of the farmers. 畜牧業與家禽飼養業發展迅速,果品產量穩中有升,農民收入不斷增加。
- The contradiction with much little ground of our country person is quite acerb, the income of the farmer still is less than the half of townsman. 我國人多地少的矛盾相當尖銳,農民的收入還不到城市居民的一半。
- Increasing the net income of farmers, rural employment and social and gender equity are core features of the SPFS. 增加農民凈收入、鄉村就業、社會公平和男女平等是特別計劃的核心。
- The discretion of wheaten crop, affect the income of the farmer directly, agriculture of or so entire alliance produces a situation. 小麥產量的高低,直接影響到農民的收入,左右著全盟農業生產形勢。
- She could own the income of their family well. 她能極好地支配家庭收入。
- He bit off a large piece of the apple. 他咬下一大塊蘋果。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最優秀的跨欄選手之一。