- We often got into debt in those years. 那時候我們經常負債。
- The child death-rate had doubled in those years. 在那些年中,兒童死亡率增長了一倍。
- Life for most people was precarious in those years. 那年月大多數人的日子過得朝不保夕。
- In those years the Republicans are in. 在那些年是共和黨執政。
- Shanghai dwellings in those years looked like. 上海的民居裡面是什麼樣子。
- In those years, he held the reins of government. 那些年是他掌權。
- In those years many people lived in poverty. 在那個年代很多人生活在貧困中。
- In those years he just fought for fame. 那些年, 他只是為成名而奮鬥。
- In those years the landless peasants were brought to beggary. 在那些年月里無地的農民只有靠乞討為生。
- In those years my thank-you became more of a perfunctory response. 那些年,我的感謝更多地成為一種敷衍的反應。
- They suffered from all kinds of diseases in those years. 那些年他們有各種各樣的病。
- In those years, ORNL researchers have received 12 of the awards. 這些年來,國立橡樹嶺實驗所已有12位研究員獲得此獎。
- In those years a number of countries had great leverage on Iraq. 在那幾年,有若干國家對伊拉克有很大影響力。
- In those years,Mr. Wilson held the reins of government. 那些年是威爾遜先生掌政權。
- In those years,my thank yous became more of a perfunctory response. 在那些歲月里,感謝您更多地成了一種敷衍的反應。
- Nobody can imagine what staggering pain she suffered in those years. 誰也不能想像她那些年所受的巨大痛苦。
- Luo: Jesus is to wash feet for disciple in those years. 羅:當年耶穌就是這樣給門徒洗腳。
- What took place in those years is called runaway inflation. 發生在那些年的一切叫做無法控制的通貨膨脹。
- In those years the cost of living has kept on rising. 在那些年裡,生活費用不停地上漲。
- In those years, feeling the interest of fossick by oneself. 史,並親身體驗淘金的樂趣。