- Later in the year,she demonstrated impressive drawing power playing a 16th century Cinderella in the surprise summer blockbuster Ever After,and won further critical kudos for her charming lead performance in the darkly comic Home Fries. 同年晚些時候,她在令人驚奇的夏季火爆片《永遠》中飾演一個16世紀的灰姑娘,表現了出眾的吸引力。她還在黑色喜劇片《家庭野餐》中擔綱主演,迷人的演技獲得了影評界更多的讚譽。
- Do you mind if I draw up the blinds? 我捲起窗帘你不反對吧?
- My general impression was that it was quite good. 大致上我覺得那相當好。
- Later in the year,she demonstrated impressive drawing power playing a 16th century Cinderella in the surprise summer blockbuster Ever After,and won further critical kudos for her charming lead performance in the darkly comic Home Fries. 同年晚些時候,她在令人驚奇的夏季火爆片《永遠》中飾演一個16世紀的灰姑娘,表現了出眾的吸引力。 她還在黑色喜劇片《家庭野餐》中擔綱主演,迷人的演技獲得了影評界更多的讚譽。
- Her gentleness has given me a deep impression. 她的親切給我留下了很深的印象。
- Later in the year,she demonstrated impressive drawing power playing a 16th? century Cinderella in the surprise summer blockbuster Ever After,and won further critical kudos for her charming lead performance in the darkly comic Home Fries. 同年晚些時候,她在令人驚奇的夏季火爆片《永遠》中飾演一個16世紀的灰姑娘,表現了出眾的吸引力。她還在黑色喜劇片《家庭野餐》中擔綱主演,迷人的演技獲得了影評界更多的讚譽。
- We formed a very favourable impression of her. 我們對她印象極好。
- He gives the impression of not caring a damn. 他給人的印象是滿不在乎。
- His concern for the masses made an indelible impression on us. 他對群眾的關懷給我們留下不可磨滅的印象。
- You made a favourable impression on the examiners. 你給主考留下了很好的印象。
- His shabby appearance creates a bad impression. 他那寒酸的樣子給人留下不好的印象。
- He was fond of drawing when he was a child. 他還是個孩子時就喜歡畫畫。
- His personality left a deep impression on us. 他的人品給我們留下了深刻的印象。
- The absence of color in that drawing make it dull. 那幅畫因沒有著色而顯得晦暗。
- The room gave an impression of decease. 這房間給人一種死亡的印象。
- The days are drawing out now that it's spring. 春天到來,白晝越來越長了。
- Her light conduct left a bad impression on me. 她那輕浮的舉止給我留下一個壞印象。
- He picked a winning number on the first draw. 他第一次便抽到一個中獎號碼。
- She made a forceful impression on me. 她給我留下極深的印象。
- A live band is always a good draw at a party. 現場演奏的樂隊在聚會上總是很吸引人的。