- The numerical simulation results and the corresponding experimental results showed that the VMIB could represent the complete process of uniaxial compressive failure of rocklike materials. 最後通過數值模擬和試驗驗證,說明VMIB模型能夠有效地再現岩石類材料的單軸壓縮破壞過程。
- Dynamic failure analysis on granite under uniaxial impact compressive load 花崗岩在單軸衝擊壓縮荷載下的動態斷裂分析
- He tried to put a bold face on his failure. 他對自己的失敗裝出一副滿不在乎的樣子。
- The cake we made was somewhat of a failure. 我們做的蛋糕不大成功。
- The split Hopkinson pressure bar with a diameter of 100mm and the Brazilian disc and the flattened Brazilian disc specimens subjected to diametral impact compression were used. Mechanical properties of the marble at high strain rate loading were tested. 利用直徑為100mm的分離式Hopkinson壓桿徑向衝擊巴西圓盤和平台巴西圓盤試樣,測試了大理岩在高應變率載入下的動態力學性能。
- The Best Deign of the Depth of the Explosive of Impact Compress Blast Modle 內爆衝擊壓縮模型中炸藥層厚度的最佳設計
- He was bewailing his failure in the examination. 他為考試不及格而悲傷。
- She was constantly spurred on by a fear of failure. 對失敗的恐懼不斷地激勵著她。
- These bullets fragment on impact. 這些子彈射中物體時爆炸成碎片。
- He was stripped down for his failure in the exam. 他考試不及格受到嚴厲責罵。
- The failure of the plan was laid at his door. 這個計劃失敗被歸罪於他。
- Her speech made a tremendous impact on everyone. 她的演說對大家震動很大。
- His plan was foredoomed to failure. 他的計畫註定要失敗。
- He ascribed his failure to bad luck. 他把失敗歸於運氣不佳。
- He felt miserable about his failure. 他對自己的失敗感到悲哀。
- The travel company's failure bust up my holiday. 旅遊公司的失誤使我的假日泡湯了。
- The front of the car crumpled on impact. 汽車的前部被撞扁了。
- Failure is the only highroad to success. 失敗是通往成功的唯一之路。
- His foolish behavior led to his eventual failure. 他的愚蠢行為導致了他最後的失敗。
- It was evident that the policy was a failure. 顯然這項政策是失敗的。