- One can not identify happiness with wealth. 幸福和財富不能混為一談。
- A veteran cadre was named for the directorship. 一位老幹部被任命為廠長。
- Can you identify your umbrella among this lot? 你能在這些傘中認出你自己的傘嗎?
- I found it hard to identify with any of the characters in the film. 我對這部影片里的任何角色都難以認同。
- Never identify wealth with happiness. 千萬不要把財富和幸福等同起來。
- A cadre must reach out to and be one with the masses. 一個幹部必須聯繫群眾,同群眾打成一片。
- The article find in the car help the police identify the body. 警方根據從汽車裡找到的物品認出了屍體的身分。
- He refused to identify with the new political party. 他拒絕參與那個新政黨。
- This veteran cadre is looked up to by everybody. 這位老幹部受到眾人的尊敬。
- He refused to identify himself with the new political party. 他拒絕參與那個新政黨。
- What he has done argues him to be a good cadre. 他的行為表明他是個好乾部。
- This young cadre fills the office satisfactorily. 這位青年幹部非常稱職。
- He is quite modest though he be a leading cadre. 雖然他是個領導幹部,卻相當謙虛。
- People think him (to be) a good cadre. 人們公認他是個好乾部。
- He tends to identify justice with legality. 他傾向於認為正義就是合法性。
- She's a good cadre trusted by the masses. 她是群眾信賴的好乾部。
- Never identify opinions with facts. 永遠不要把意見混同於事實。
- He refused to identify himself with their policy. 他拒絕參與他們的政策。
- I identify that stolen recorder as mine. 我認為那個被偷的錄音機是我的。
- A cadre mustn't be divorced from the masses. 幹部不能脫離群眾。