- Would you help me hull these berries? 你能幫我將這些莓子的蒂梗除去嗎?
- The ship's hull scraped along the side of the dock. 船行時船身擦著碼頭的邊。
- The forward part of a ship's hull; the bow. 船首船體外殼的前面部份; 船頭
- Separation from her children was a terrible wrench. 同她的孩子們分別是一項很大的痛苦。
- The hull of a ship loomed up suddenly through the fog. 一條船的船體突然黑壓壓地在霧中出現。
- Mr. Hull was a thorough gentleman. 赫爾先生是個地道的紳士。
- The dark hull broke the surface. 深色的船身浮出海面。
- Is this where we turn off/where the road turns off for Hull? 這兒就是我們要轉往赫爾市方向的路嗎?
- Friends managed to reconcile him with his wife after years of separation. 經過多年分居后朋友們設法使他與妻子重修舊好。
- The ship struck a mine 20 miles out of Hull. 船在距赫爾20英里處觸雷。
- They careened the fishing boat to repaint the hull. 他們將漁船傾斜過來重新油漆船體。
- He was unhappy because of his separation from his mother. 他因與母親分離而感到不快。
- The part of a bowsprit that is inside the hull. 船首斜桅部分位於船殼內部的船首斜桅部分。
- The part of a ship's hull below the water line. 船底在水線下的船身部分。
- The hull of an old,unseaworthy,or wrecked ship. 廢船舶體舊的,無法航行或失事了的船的外殼
- Eden and Hull are locked in lengthy discussions. 艾登和赫爾正陷於漫長討論之中。
- The long separation was a test of their love. 長期分離對他們的愛情是個考驗.
- The hull of an old, unseaworthy, or wrecked ship. 廢船舶體舊的,無法航行或失事了的船的外殼
- The separation of an electrolyte into ions of opposite charge. 電解(作用)一種電解質分解為帶有相反電荷的離子的過程
- The surface of a ship's hull above the water line. 水上舷側在齊水線以上船體的表面部分