- We tried in vain to persuade him to give up his wrong belief. 我們儘力勸說他放棄錯誤的信念,但沒有成功。
- Forgiveness works like a dazzling jewel to dispel the darkness of wrong belief. 寬恕就像一顆燦爛的寶石能驅散錯誤信念的黑暗。
- It』 s true that right belief leads to success, while wrong belief leads one to degeneration, failure or hell. 正確的信仰會帶來成功,而錯誤的信仰則會導致墮落、失敗或邪惡。
- Wimmer , H., &Perner , J .Beliefs about beliefs : Representation and constraining function of wrong belief in young children's understanding of deception.Cognition , 1983. 13 , 103 - 128. 陳英和;姚端維;郭向和.;兒童心理理論的發展及其影響因素的研究進展[J]
- It is wrong of you to bully the child. 你不該欺侮那個孩子。
- It was painful to admit that I was wrong. 要我承認錯了,是很費力的。
- The article is an attempt to defame an honest man. 這篇文章旨在詆毀一個正直的人。
- The slum area was sordid and filthy beyond belief. 該貧民區之污穢骯髒簡直令人難以置信。
- It is annoying to be honest to no purpose. 毫無意義地忠忠直直是惱人的事。
- Her action declared her to be an honest woman. 她的行為足以說明她是一個誠實的女人。
- Honest merchants do not do in their customers. 誠實的商人不欺騙他們的顧客。
- He is honest only on the surface. 他只是表面誠實而已。
- He headed a crowd off from the wrong exit. 他上前阻止人群從錯的出口出去。
- He is well known for his honest dealing. 他以真誠待人而著稱。
- He agreed that he was wrong with a good grace. 他很大方地承認自己錯了。
- Could you give me your honest opinion of the book? 你對這書有何意見可否直率提出?
- The story of his miseries is beyond my belief. 他的悲慘身世令人難以置信。
- He earned all his money with honest sweat. 他的錢都是誠實勞動賺來的。
- He comes to me in the belief that I can help him. 他到我這裡來,相信我能幫助他。
- Please give me your honest opinion. 請把你的真實想法告訴我。