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- Under the agreement,I would be held harmless if the other parties defaulted. 通過協定如果其他當事人不出庭的話我將免於承擔法律責任。
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- How long will our food supplies hold out? 我們的儲糧還能維持多久?
- Voyeurs are scary, but they are usually harmless. 偷窺狂很可怕,但是他們通常不會傷害人。
- The bomb blast killed several harmless passers-by. 炸彈爆炸使幾個無辜行人受傷。
- He hold on to my arm with a tenacious grip. 他緊緊抓住我的手臂不放。
- Having no adverse effect; harmless. 無害的沒有負作用的; 無害的
- It's my idea to hold the party outside the house. 在戶外聚會是我的主意。
- Kings used to know how to hold down the people. 國王們往往都知道怎樣使人們服從他。
- I made a harmless remark to some guy at the bar and he swung at me. 在酒吧里我向某個傢伙說了句無惡意的話,他就向我打了一拳。
- Do you think this trunk will hold all our clothes? 這個箱子你想能裝得下我們所有的衣裳嗎?
- He has been trying hard to hold onto his temper. 他一直儘力控制自己不發脾氣。
- I must get hold of some more writing paper. 我必須再找一些書寫用紙。
- She smiled and could not hold back tears of joy. 她笑了起來,禁不住流下喜悅的眼淚。
- The dog seems fierce, but he's harmless. 這狗看似兇狠,但不傷人。
- Mr Smith told me to hold on to my oil shares. 史密斯先生叫我不要賣掉石油股票。