- We found it necessary to hold a seminar on the new product. 我們覺得就這個新產品舉行一個研討會是很有必要的。
- China will hold a large commemorative exhibition and a seminar. 中國將為此舉行大型紀念展會和研討會。
- The Department of Commerce of the United States will hold a seminar next week to discuss clean energy development. 美國商務部下周會舉行一次研討會討論清潔能源發展的問題。
- With this background, it was easy for the Mauritius Center to hold a seminar at the University of Mauritius. 基於這樣的背景,我們在模里西斯大學所舉辦的研討會,一切都進行得很順利。
- We will hold a seminar on April 16 from 10:00 to 10:40 in Room 220. The topic is how to convert bopomofo (ZhuYin FuHao) to pinyin. Everyone is welcome. 「四十分鐘學拼音!」講座將於四月十六日十點到十點四十分藉220教室舉行。內容是關於如何將注音符號轉換為拼音,歡迎參加。
- LGA furniture testing institute will hold a seminar with the topic 「Access to the U.S.Children Furniture Market」 on September 8th, 2009 during the China International Furniture Fair. LGA德國傢具測試機構將於2009年09月08日在中國廣州國際傢具博覽會上舉行主題為「美國市場兒童傢具准入要求」的專題研討會。
- Malaysia BLIA youths are holding a seminar with the theme of "Together Within a Circle". 做人,有的人非常偏激,左右兩邊,不是左就是右;
- The Chinatown N-NORC Program of the Visiting Nurse Service of New York held a seminar at CCBA. 紐約探訪護士華埠退休居民社區計劃在中華公所舉辦講座。
- They hold a mystic religious ceremony. 他們舉行了一個神秘的宗教儀式。
- The N-NORC Program of the Visiting Nurse Service of New York held a seminar at CCBA to introduce health information. 紐約探訪護士華埠退休居民社區計劃在中華公所舉辦講座,介紹健康資訊。
- The old professor had presided over a seminar for theoretical physicists. 老教授主持了一次理論物理學家的研討會。
- The N-NORC Program of the Visiting Nurse Service of New York held a seminar at CCBA, to introduce health information related to breast cancer. 紐約探訪護士華埠退休居民社區計劃在中華公所舉辦講座,由專人介紹有關乳癌的健康資訊。
- The Baptist will hold a ceremony this Sunday. 這個星期天浸信會教友將要舉行一場典禮。
- The N-NORC Program of the Visiting Nurse Service of New York held a seminar at CCBA, to introduce health information related to flu by Dr. Rex Wu. 紐約探訪護士華埠退休居民社區計劃在中華公所舉辦講座,由伍若輝醫生介紹有關流感的健康資訊。
- They will hold a council to discuss the proposal. 他們將開會討論這個建議。
- The Chinatown N-NORC Program of the Visiting Nurse Service of New York and the Asian American Bar Association held a seminar at CCBA for the seniors. 紐約探訪護士華埠退休居民社區計劃在中華公所舉辦講座,向老人講解法律常識。
- Phil is clearly unfit to hold a senior position. 菲爾顯然不能勝任高級職務。
- The N-NORC Program of the Visiting Nurse Service of New York held a seminar at CCBA, to introduce health information by Dr. Rex Wu. 紐約探訪護士華埠退休居民社區計劃在中華公所舉辦講座,由伍若輝醫生介紹健康資訊。
- The N-NORC Program of the Visiting Nurse Service of New York held a seminar at CCBA, to teach senior citizens the correct way of walking. 紐約探訪護士華埠退休居民社區計劃在中華公所舉辦講座,教導老年人正確的走路方法。
- The Brethren hold a prayer meeting every Thursday. 教友每周四舉行一次禱告會。