- He had put up a basket on a pole in the back yard. 他在後院一根柱子上安一個球籃。
- He placed his hat on a pole in the market place. 他把自己的帽子放在市場上立著的一根杆子上。
- You must stick a pole in the ground. 你必須把杆子插在地上。
- He is holding a knife in one hand and a fork in the other. 他一手拿著一把刀,另一手拿著一把叉。
- He came running here with a knife held in one hand. 他一手握著刀向這裡跑來。
- By the door stood a man with a knife in one hand. 有個男人站在門旁,手裡拿著小刀。
- Turkey is also one of the few countries with which today's Russia feels comfortable, a pole in its preferred multipolar system, in which big countries pursue independent policies. 土耳其還是俄羅斯目前感到放心的少數國家之一。俄推崇大國按各自政策獨立行事的多極化體系,視土為其中一極。
- Afool should never hold a bauble in his hand. 不要自己出醜。
- Exudative retinal detachment involved the inferior retina in five eyes (83%), and was near the posterior pole in one eye (17%). 在五個病例中(83%25),滲出性視網膜剝離是位於下方,一個病例(17%25)是在靠近視網膜的后極部處。
- He came running here with one hand holding a knife. 他手上握著刀向這裡跑來。
- I hold a pair of chopsticks in my hand. 我在手中拿雙筷子。
- He placed his hat on a pole in the marketplace and ordered the Altorfers to bow before it whenever they passed. 他把自己的帽子放在市場上立著的一根杆子上,命令阿爾托夫人,每逢走過這個地方時,都要向帽子鞠躬。
- I hold a pair of chopsticks in my hand . 我在手中拿雙筷子。
- A small, short-handled ax for use in one hand. 短柄小斧一隻手用的短把小斧
- A fool should never hold a bauble in his hand. 不要自己出乖露醜。
- Our flag is raised to the top of a pole by a rope and two pulley. 我們的旗幟被用一根繩子和兩個滑輪升到了竿頂。
- One who makes a career in one of the armed forces. 職業軍人在武裝部隊中謀職的人
- As one releases all thought-form, karma, machines, curses, hexes and spells that hold a particular pattern in place in one's life, one transcends such a pattern. 當你釋放了掌握你生活中一個特定模式的所有思想形態、業力、機械、詛咒、魔法和符咒,你超越了這個模式。
- A trusted man of influence may be able to hold a mob in check. 一位既有影響力又得到人信任的人也許可以能夠制止住一群暴徒。
- I could feel the youngster's hand tremble in mine. 我能感到那個年輕人的手在我的手中顫抖.