- One who is skilled in topography. 地形學者精通地形學的人
- A marked change in topography such as a fault or deep valley. 斷層地形上的顯著變化,如斷層,深谷
- This is a rare type of karst topography. 是非常罕見的喀斯特地貌景觀。
- Concerning the topography of a specific region. 某地的地質情況有關特殊地區地形學的
- A typical phenomenon of karst topography. 是典型的峰林現象。
- And its spectacular sandstone topography. 以丹霞地貌著稱於世。
- And this is typical marine- abrasion topography. 這裡就是典型的海蝕地貌了。
- The Kissing Camels formation is the nearest hogback on the right. 「親吻的駱駝」是右面最近的豚脊丘。
- Topography from north to south for a tilt. 地勢呈現為自北向南傾斜。
- View of Cathedral Valley showing some of its unusual hogback formations. 在教堂山上可以看到一些不同尋常的豚脊丘。
- We know something of the great variety of the sea-bed's topography. 我們對海底的各種各樣的地形也有了了解。
- I don't know the first thing I should about topography. 我連一點像樣的地貌知識也沒有。
- Cable television networks have a "free-scale network" topography. 說明有線電視網路具有「無標度網路」的拓撲結構。
- These three factors include fuel , weather and topography . 有三種因素包括燃料、天氣和地形。
- The topography of the loess gullies is complex and steepy. 本項工程中首次採用單邊定向鑽進行斜井穿越施工,取得了良好的效果。
- Beach cusps are very important rhythm topography on the beachface. 灘角是灘面上的一種特徵地形。
- Fig.3.The DCCA of the influence of topography on species diversity. 標題: 圖3.;地形對物種多樣性格局影響的DCCA分析。
- In the topography of the economy, several depressed areas are revealed. 在對經濟狀況描繪的剖析圖上,可以看到幾個低落的領域
- It was fifteen minutes to Hogback Bridge northwest of town, and he might just get some shots there if he hurried. 離鎮西的橋有十五分鐘的路程,如果他趕快的話還可能在那裡照幾張照。
- And Robert Kincaid headed for Hogback Bridge, racing the years, chasing the light. 而羅伯特.;金凱正向橋駛去;追光逐年地疾馳而過。