any of several white wines from the Rhine River valley in Germany (`hock' is British usage)
tarsal joint of the hind leg of hoofed mammals; corresponds to the human ankle
leave as a guarantee in return for money;
"pawn your grandfather's gold watch"
disable by cutting the hock
用作名詞 (n.)
How to handle the procedures of real estate mortgage hock? 如何辦理房地產抵押典當有關手續?
His coat for the coming winter was in hock. 他冬天穿的大衣已經當掉了。
Having paid off the pawnbroker, I now had my watch out of hock. 償還了當鋪老闆的債,我贖回了自己的手錶。
As the middle classes turned to claret, so the upper classes abandoned this increasingly common tipple in favour of hock and champagne. 當中產階級的口味轉向波爾多紅酒之後,上流社會就拋棄了這種日漸尋常的飲料,轉而青睞白葡萄酒和香檳酒了。