- HIT-T15細胞HIT-T15 cell
- hit-or-miss拓撲hit=or-miss topology
- 用俚語「hit the road」表示「動身,上路」to slang 「to start」 with 「hit the road」
- New York 紐約N.Y.
- 在用於以上意義時, strike比hit較為文雅.When used with this meaning, strike is more formal than hit.
- NEW框架NEW frame
- 忠於自我的音樂精靈-孫燕姿,收錄孫燕姿hit歌12首。A music angel loyal to herself - Sun Yanzi, featuring 12 hit songs of Sun Yanzi!
- 如下所示:Kleppe v. New Mexico, 426 U.S. 529 (1976)。For example, as follows, Kleppe v. New Mexico, 426 U.S. 529 (1976).
- 操作符newoperator new
- FT-HIT是我們自行研製的三模冗餘(TMR)航天容錯計算機。FT-HIT is an aerospace TMR fault tolerant computer system, which uses the technique of hardware redundancy and software implemented fauit tolerance.
- 從出現的菜單中選擇「New Image Type」項目,如圖6所示。From the menu that appears, select the New Image Type item, as shown in Figure 6.
- 介紹了基於5維指尖力/力矩感測器的HIT機器人靈巧手的笛卡爾阻抗控制.A Cartesian impedance control for the HIT dexterous robot hand based on 5-dimension fingertip force/torque sensor is presented.
- Apriori_NewApriori_New
- 通過現場試驗 ,測定了植筋膠 ( HIT- HY15 0 )在工程環境下的錨固可靠性。After site test,the anchorage reliability of the inserted bar glue(HIT HY150) in the project environment is verified.
- 重組水蛭素(來匹盧定)對急性心肌梗塞患者鏈激酶溶栓的改善狀況:HIT-4試驗結果Recombinant hirudin (lepirudin) for the improvement of thrombolysis with streptokinase in patients with acute myocardial infarction: Results of the HIT-4 trial
- New-Apriori演算法New-Apriori algorithm
- 我們會住在 new York。We'll live in New York.
- new York 縮寫為 N.Y.。New York is abbreviated to N. Y.
- 本文報道了運用AMPS模擬程序對a-Si:H/c-Si HIT(heterojunction with an intrinsic thin layer)異質結太陽電池數值模擬結果。This paper reports the numerical simulation of a-Si/c-Si heterojunction solar cells with an intrinsic a-Si thin layer (HIT) by using AMPS model, developed at Penn State University.