- The hut was made of poles covered with grass mats. 茅屋用木杆搭成,上面以草席覆蓋。
- The hut is make of pole covered with grass mat. 這小屋是用其上面蓋草席的柱子搭成的。
- The hut is made of pole covered with grass mat. 這小屋是用其上面蓋草席的柱子搭成的。
- The ground was sparsely covered with grass. 地面上稀疏地覆蓋草叢。
- Narrow ribbon now, its stony surface covered with grass and weeds. 狹窄的帶子,石砌路面上長滿野草。
- Land covered with grass or vegetation suitable for grazing animals. 牧場長著適於草食動物的草或植物土地
- An expanse of ground,such as a lawn,covered with grass or similar plants. 草地一塊廣闊土地,如草地,覆蓋有草及類似的植物。
- The top of the ground is usually covered with grass or other plants. 大地的表層通常被草或其他植物覆蓋著。
- The hollow was full of trees but the higher ground was covered with grass. 凹地樹木成林, 但高處長滿青草。
- An expanse of ground, such as a lawn, covered with grass or similar plants. 草地一塊廣闊土地,如草地,覆蓋有草及類似的植物
- The private road was just a narrow ribbon, its stony surface covered with grass and weeds. 這條私人道路像條狹窄的帶子,石砌路面長滿野草。
- It is amazing todrive past fields which seem to go on forever or whole hills covered with neat rows of grapevines. 令人吃驚的是開車過去牧場似乎永遠走不到盡頭或整個山上覆蓋著整齊的葡萄藤。
- The Gran Chaco is an alluvial plain covered with grass and hardwood forest in northeastern Argentina, northwestern Paraguay and southeastern Bolivia. 大查是一個沖積平原上復蓋著草和闊葉林在阿根廷東北部;西北巴拉圭和玻利維亞東南部.
- Article 2 This Law shall be applicable to all grasslands within the territory of China,including hills and lands covered with grass. 第二條 本法適用於我國境內的一切草原,包括草山、草地。
- Article 2. This Law shall be applicable to all grasslands within the territory of China, including hills and lands covered with grass. 第二條 本法適用於我國境內的一切草原,包括草山、草地。
- The grass was covered with frost in the early morning. 清晨,草上覆蓋著一層白霜。
- It is amazing to drive past fields which seems to go on forever or whole hills covered with neat rows of grapevines. 令人驚奇的是開車駛過田野,看上去是一望無際的,或者是整個山覆蓋著一排排整齊的葡萄藤。
- The gates to the Boca section will bear the Buenos Aires club's blue and yellow shield, and some parts will be covered with grass from the team's Bombonera stadium. 博卡墓地的大門將懸挂俱樂部的藍黃色會徽,一些地方還將用從博卡隊主場移植過來的草坪覆蓋。
- The hill was covered with a blanket of snow. 上山覆蓋著白雪。
- The fortress on the hill covered the harbour area beneath. 山上的炮樓把下面的海港地區置於射程之內。