- Precise and smooth operation, high capacity. 產品精密、運轉順暢、產能高。
- High capacity supply for audio stages. 供應高容量的音頻階段。
- As a result, we present a simple and high capacity binary image steganography. 因此,我們提出了一個簡單並且具有高資料可藏量的黑白影像資訊偽裝術。
- Successive improvements and modification led to modern models of high capacity. 經過不斷地改進和完善導致高生產能力的新型裝置。
- WRS mill is a new kind rolling mill of high capacity for flatness control. WRS軋機是一種板形調控能力較強的新型軋機。
- High capacity; Broken ratio and low power consumption; Sealing good, stable operation; Easy maintenance. 生產能力大;破碎比高、能耗低;密封性好,運轉平穩;維護方便。
- Size reduction of hot and cold sinter with high machine availability, high capacity and at low operating costs. 您的要求:高產量,低成本地破碎熱燒結礦和冷燒結礦。
- It would show much higher capacity compared to the wild type. 其能力較野生型高。
- Secure Digital Memory Card. A flash based memory card designed to provide secure high capacity data storage. 安全電子存儲卡。一種基於為提供安全的大容量數據存儲功能而設計的快閃記憶體。
- TVE was uniquely developed for the highest capacity servers. TVE專為高容量的伺服器而研發。
- A data storage device providing small-size, high capacity data storage to handheld communication devices. 數據存儲設備,可以提供小尺寸,高容量的數據存儲,來保證通訊設備的應用。
- It takes the advantages of simple structure, easy operation, high capacity, Iow energy consumption, even granule-cutting, safety, reliability, etc. 該機組結構簡單,操作方便,具有產量高、低能耗、切粒均勻、安全可靠等特點。
- Schroeder ABF air breathers allow high capacity air flows and are available with both NPT and flange adapters. 施羅德ABF空氣呼吸過濾器,讓高容量的空氣流動和可利用的兩個NPT和法蘭連接。
- The high capacity accelerator assures quick valve response to the solenoid signal regardless of the main valve size. 這種高性能加速器確保閥門能夠迅速反應電磁閥信號,而與主閥通徑無關。
- Hard carbon is a promising anode material for lithium ion batteries due to its high capacity and low cost. 摘要硬碳具有嵌鋰容量大,造價低,循環壽命長等優點,是製備高安全性鋰離子電池負極潛在的優良材料。
- All flange style air breathers possess the same high capacity air flows as the breathers with NPT adapter. 所有法蘭式空氣呼吸具有相同的高容量的空氣流動作為呼吸與不擴散NPT適配器。
- This system can offer high capacity, dot to receive a service to dotty broadband. 該系統可提供高容量、點對多點的寬頻接入服務。
- High capacity benchtop centrifuge with built-in refrigeration system, Maintenance-free brushless drive motor. 大容量冷凍台式離心機;免維護無碳刷變頻電機。
- An implementation method of a core SONET/SDH switch with high capacity is introduced in the paper. 摘要文章介紹一種基於時分-空分-時分(T-S-T)結構的大容量SONET/SDH交叉單元的實現方法和應用。
- The computational and experimental results show the MPSC has higher capacity. 計算和實測都表明勁芯攪拌樁具有較高的承載力。