- The bird sang high and clearly in the tree. 鳥兒在樹上清脆地高歌。
- Professor Wang is open-hearted and upright. 王教授胸懷磊落。
- I've searched high and low for my lost pen. 我到處尋找丟失的鋼筆。
- Months of high and low sales average out over the year. 銷售額高低不同的月份按全年統算達到一般水平。
- In writing, make the characters square and upright. 字要寫得方方正正。
- Here were the high and low, slaves and masters. 這裡高低貴賤的人都有,有奴隸,也有主人。
- The judge is an honest and upright official. 那位法官是個清官。
- He took all the money and left me high and dry. 他把所有的錢財都拿走了,撇下我一人無依無靠。
- I've hunted high and low for the pen. 我已到處尋找過那枝筆。
- I was aware only of a tall and upright figure. 我只感到一個魁偉筆挺的身影。
- He lived high and expended largely. 他生活講究,花費很大。
- Be brave and upright, so God may love these! 勇敢誠信,無愧於神!
- Be brave and upright, so me may love thee. 與勇敢並肩而立,因此我門會愛你。
- So "chuli" means to stand tall and upright. 「矗立」就是指又高又直地立著。
- Paul Sherman Yale was small, spry and upright. 保羅·謝爾曼·耶爾身材矮小,動作敏捷,站得筆挺。
- Be brave and upright, so God may love thee. 與勇敢並肩而立,因此上帝會。
- There's no need to be/get so high and mighty with me! 用不著對我擺架子!
- "And weigh with scales true and upright. 你們應當以公平的秤稱貨物。
- He's become very high and mighty since he get that new job. 他自從得到了那份新工作後就變得神氣活現。
- Be brave and upright that God may love them. 上帝愛護那些勇敢的頂天立地的人。