- Reflect the thought of caring about others, helping and love each other in the fine arts activity. 在美術活動中體現關愛他人、互助友愛的思想。
- We live together and love each other. 我們住在一起並相親相愛。
- TOW : I hope I can with my lover 's affection can sweety and love each other !!! 我希望我可以跟我的愛人愛情甜蜜蜜,彼此相愛!!!
- Love each other dependencies, mutual concern and love, always in the care of each other in silence. 愛彼此相依,愛彼此關心,總是在默默的彼此關懷著。
- Really, you know in China, if a girl love a boy and really want to marry the boy and love each other for a long time until died. 是嗎?你知道在中國,如果一個女孩子愛上了一個男孩,並且真的想和這個男孩結婚,然後白頭偕老,度過很長時間,直到生命結束。
- What fate brought us together, made us know each other, understand each other and love each other? Oh, I see, it was a pure love that links us two in life. 是怎樣的緣份,使我們相識、相知、相愛?哦,我知道了,在生命的際遇里,牽著兩端的,原來是一絲真情。
- Being well aquainted with each other and love each other devotedly, I believe, is the most beautiful sense in the life, I'm desire to share this sense with someone. 相識、相知、相愛直至相伴是人生中最美好的一份感受,我渴望與人分享這一份感受。
- In susu nationality, a groom and a bride exchange their bowls and chopsticks after their wedding.It stands for they will repect and love each other from then on. 東北男人喜歡將婚事大操大辦以此來表達有了老婆的無比自豪,他們表達愛的方式是結結實實不容置疑的。
- Christ preached that we should love each other. 基督在佈道中說人們應該互敬互愛。
- We should help and not hinder each other in our work. 工作要互相支持,不要互相拆台。
- Discipline and love should be complementary to each other. 訓誡和愛應該是相輔相成的。
- "Blondie and Dagwood love each other. 「勃朗黛和大梧相親相愛。
- They were not a good ? looking or a well ? dressed family, but they were happy and grateful and loved each other. (他們不是美麗的或穿著得很體面的,但他們都是快樂的且愉快的而且彼此深愛的。)
- Of course if we got along great and loved each other I would marry you without any hesitations. 當然如果我們之間相處得很好也相互愛對方,我會毫不猶豫地和你結婚。
- Pereira says he is very grateful for the help and loves Japan. 我想要任何一個都可,我明天要回去請他們給我介紹信。
- They marry and promise to love each other till death do them part. 他們結了婚並約定永遠相愛。
- Sex and love interdepend each other .and they can't be dissevered. 性和愛互相依存.;不可被割裂開來
- Robert and Jill love each other,and are going to marry. 羅伯特和吉爾相愛,打算結婚。
- Robert and Jill love each other, and are going to marry. 羅伯特和吉爾彼此相愛,並打算結婚。
- He and she love each other, and they think it is their destiny. 他和她相愛了,他們覺得這幸福是命中注定的。