- I would like to have something simple. 我想吃些簡單的東西。
- I have something personal to discuss with you. 我有點私事和你商量。
- Apropos, I have something to tell you. 順便,我有點事跟你說。
- Lucy seemed to have something weighty on her mind. 露西好像心事重重。
- Her diligence must have something to do with his success. 她的勤勉和她的成功一定有某些關係。
- They have something in common in this connection. 在這點上,他們有些共同之處。
- Those two have something in common. 兩者有共同之處。
- I have something very important to discuss with you. 我有件非常重要的事和你商量。
- It's always useful to have something to fall back on. 有點依靠的東西總是有用的。
- Gary has something to do with stockbroking. 加里同股票經紀業務有些關係。
- I have something wrong with my right eye, which makes me wink away all day. 我右眼有點不舒服,弄得我整天眼睛眨個不停。
- Something simple and nice. Perha a bag or a scarf. 又簡單又好的。也許一個包或者一條圍巾。
- Mother has something delicious in store for me. 媽媽準備了好吃的東西給我。
- Go with something simple in a neutral tone. 應該選擇簡樸,中性的西裝。
- Here's a cup of tea to be going on with; we'll have something to eat later. 先喝杯茶墊墊底兒,咱們等一會再吃東西。
- Please see after my child for me, I have something important to do now. 請替我看一會兒孩子,我現在有點重要的事要做。
- I have something to talk with you. 我有點兒事要和你談一談。
- We all have something to be thankful for. 我們多少都有應該感謝別人的地方。
- By the way I have something to tell you. 我順便有一件事要告訴你。
- Do you have something to do with this group? 你和那個集團有何關係?