- Controls in the city have gradually tightened. 對這個城市的控制逐漸加強。
- Controls have gradually tightened. 控制逐漸加強。
- The new ideas have gradually permeated through the people. 新思想已逐漸深入民心。
- Child will have gradual increase in red blood cells, white blood cells, and eventually platelets. 患兒紅血球、白血球及血小板逐漸增多。
- My plan has gradually come to maturity. 我的計劃逐漸成熟。
- He has gradually cooled off her now. 他現在已逐漸對她冷淡了。
- His coarse habits have gradually fined away. 他的粗俗習慣漸漸變得文雅起來了。
- At the same time, its development strategy should follow five principles, namely: government forerunner, market leadership, gradual advances, restrictive exploitation and community participation. 同時,其開發策略應該堅持政府先導、市場主導、漸進開發、限制性開發和社區參與等基本原則。
- And cars have gradually replaced horse carriages. 汽車也在逐漸地代替馬車。
- I have gradually adjusted myself to the noisy life downtown. 我已經漸漸地習慣了市中心的噪雜生活。
- Since the war the industry has gradually languished. 開戰以來,這一工業的生產每況愈下。
- In a period when the regime of the ruling classes is comparatively stable,as it was in the southern provinces after April this year,our strategy must be one of gradual advance. 若在統治階級政權比較穩定的時期,例如今年四月以後的南方各省,則我們的戰略必須是逐漸地推進的。
- Under the background of packing design of bender, the packing algorithm of gradual advancement based on engineering-oriented constraint rule is presented. 摘要以彎管機布局設計為背景提出了一種基於工程約束規則的層次推進布局演算法。
- In a period when the regime of the ruling classes is comparatively stable, as it was in the southern provinces after April this year, our strategy must be one of gradual advance. 若在統治階級政權比較穩定的時期,例如今年四月以後的南方各省,則我們的戰略必須是逐漸地推進的。
- Nevertheless, along with the gradual advancement of informationalized education, the learning pattern on the basis of network is being deeply studied and regarded in universal. 而隨著教育信息化的不斷推進,基於網路的學習模式正得到深入地研究和普遍地重視。
- This medicine has gradually efficacy. 藥物逐漸奏效了.
- That unease has gradually faded. 現在這種擔憂已經逐漸消除。
- Change when using remedy, also should have gradually alternant process. 換用藥物時,也要有逐漸交替過程。
- At present, these problems have gradually become the focus of attention. 目前,這些問題巳逐漸成為人們關注的焦點之一。
- Man has gradually emerged from barbarism into civilization over the long history. 在悠久的歷史長河中人類逐漸脫離野蠻狀態而進入文明。