You know, You can, you can have good old practice on your own. 你可以自己練習個夠。
Every time I pass the concierge's window and catch the full icy impact of her glance I have an insane desire to throttle all the birds in creation. 每一回從看門人窗下經過並且被她惡狠狠地盯住瞧了個夠之後,我就會產生一種瘋狂的慾念,想掐死世上所有的鳥類。
I have feasted my eyes on her form, her bearing. 我在她的倩影,她的舉動上大飽眼福。
We were treated to an exhibition of the footballer's speed and skill. 我們觀看了足球運動員的速度和技能表演,真是大飽眼福。