- commit suicide by hanging oneself from a beam; hang oneself 懸樑自盡
- She had committed suicide by hanging herself from a beam. 她懸樑自盡了。
- Derive happiness in oneself from a good day's work, from illuminating the fog that surrounds us. 從一天的工作中獲得快樂,從照亮籠罩我們的濃霧中獲得快樂。
- Lord, please make Bill.Albert to extricate oneself from a plight as soon as possible.Please make his spirit avoid tormenting. 主啊,請你幫助比爾.;阿爾伯特,使他儘早走出困境,使他的精神免受折磨。
- The diligence of Zhang Jingjun is not a kind of torture to hang one's head from a beam, but a kind of easiness coming from devotion. 張靜君的勤奮,不是那種頭懸樑式的辛苦,而是一種發自熱愛的從容。
- The Chang home had a cold appearance. A lonely kerosene lamp hung from a beam in the gateway, revealing its bareness. 張家顯得很冷靜,空空的大廳上燃了一盞煤油掛燈。
- The news comes from a reliable source. 這消息來自可靠的來源。
- A small flay, attached to this body, intercepts a beam of light coming from a source and directed to a photocell. 附在該物體上的光罩截取對著光電管的光束。
- A beam of rose- colored light from a pane in the chancel window fell across his face, but he did not seem to see it. 一道玫瑰色的光線穿過教堂的有色玻璃,照到他臉上,他好像不敢相信已經看見了這道亮光。
- A beam of rose-colored light from a pane in the chancel window fell across his face, but he did not seem to see it. 玫瑰色的光線從聖壇旁的彩色玻璃窗照射在他的臉上,但他似乎沒有注意它。
- I look at this problem from a different viewpoint. 我從不同的觀點來看這個問題。
- It's impossible to detach oneself from reality. 超脫現實是不可能的。
- A sound mind is inseparable from a sound body. 健全的精神是與健康的身體是不可分割的。
- Backpacking through a foreign country is not only a rite of passage but also a way to see the world and oneself from a new perspective. 到異國自助旅行不只是象徵人生從某個階段到下個階段的儀式,也是一種從新的視角來看世界、看自己的方法。
- Optical tweezers use the tiny force of a beam of light from a laser to push around and control tiny objects, from cells to plastic beads. 光鑷用這一來自激光光束的微力來推動和控制微小物體(從細胞到塑膠珠)。
- It is impossible to detach oneself from reality. 人要想超脫現實是辦不到的。
- The novel originally came from a true love affair. 這本小說原先是從一個真實的愛情故事發展而來的。
- At one end of the big barn, on a sort of raised platform, Major was already ensconced on his bed of straw, under a lantern which hung from a beam. 大穀倉的一邊,在一個微微凸起的地方,少校已經舒適的窩在它的草席上了,它頭頂的橫樑上懸挂著一盞燈籠。
- One must not divorce oneself from the masses. 不應該脫離群眾。
- A kite dangles from a telephone wire. 一隻風箏懸挂在電話線上晃來晃去。