- half-believe ";"half believing, half doubting 將信將疑
- Almost half believe the government is keeping information from the public about the existence of UFOs. 近半數的人相信政府對公眾封鎖飛碟存在的消息。
- half believing, half doubting 疑信參半
- The old monk only half believed what he said, but he still wanted to have a try. 老和尚將信將疑,又捨不得好事,當晚就試驗。
- "Got to be some traces of drugs in there," explained Gallagher, only half believing it himself. 「看來那兒有毒品的蹤跡,」加拉赫解釋道,連自己都半信半疑。
- I believe he has started reading up anthropology. 我相信他已開始攻讀人類學。
- DRINKING recycled water does not wash with most Australians, with nearly half believing it contains human waste and 70 per cent equating it with purified sewage. 喝回收水還沒有讓大多數澳洲人接受,幾乎一半的人認為回收水中含有人體的廢物,70%25的人認為回收水就是純化污水。
- DRINKING recycled water doesn't wash with most Australians, with nearly half believing it contains human waste and70 per cent equating it with purified sewage. 喝回收水還沒有讓大多數澳洲人接受,幾乎一半的人認為回收水中含有人體的廢物,70%25人認為回收水就是純化污水。
- I apportioned half the property to each of them. 我把財產的一半分配給他們各人。
- Neither believe everything nor doubt it. 不要相信一切,也不要懷疑一切。
- I believe that he will show his true colors someday. 我相信他總有一天會現出原形的。
- I believe he is meant to be a soldier. 我相信他天生是要當軍人的。
- She reckoned she had cut her cost by half. 她估計她減少了一半的費用。
- We have reason to believe that he was murdered. 我們有理由相信他是被謀殺的。
- I worried half the night and have a fitful sleep. 我半個晚上都一直在擔心,故而時醒時睡。
- I believe that he can make a judicious choice. 我相信他能作出明智的選擇。
- He is so naive as to believe such a lie. 他竟然幼稚得連這種謊言都相信。
- I still believe they incline to that way. 我仍然相信他們傾向於那種方式。
- He can fling off a poem in half an hour. 他可以在半小時之內草就一首詩。
- It took him half an hour to finish the work. 他花了半個小時做完這項工作。