- It is cowardly of you not to admit your mistake. 你不承認錯誤就不是好樣兒的。
- A state of cowardly fright; a panic. 驚恐膽怯的狀態; 恐慌
- A courageous foe is better than a cowardly friend. 勇敢的敵人勝過懦怯的朋友。
- His cowardly behavior was laughed at by his colleagues. 他的懦弱的行為遭到了同事們的嘲笑。
- He thought the letter cowardly and hypocritical. 他認為這封信寫得既怯懦又偽善。
- I'm cowardly about things that remind me of myself. 我對那些使我回憶起往事的東西總感到膽怯。
- Little Girl: Hah! You're just a gutless fatso! 小女孩:哈,你只是個沒有膽子的胖子!
- Are You Too Busy? Or Just Gutless? 你太忙?亦或只是沒有勇氣?
- Twenty-seven gutless years, your highness. 虛度二十七載,殿下。
- Kate: Isn't that kind of gutless. 凱特:你真沒勇氣。
- Still, this glorious theory sounds a bit gutless. 繼續,這個光輝理論聽起來有點膽小。
- Little Girl: Hah! You're just a gutless fatso! 小女孩:哈,你只是個沒有膽子的胖子!
- Cowardly dogs,you will not aid me then. 懦弱的小人,那麼你不會幫助我了。
- He despised himself for being so cowardly. 他為自己如此怯懦而自慚形穢。
- He was weak, cowardly and treacherous. 他軟弱、膽怯、奸詐。
- Characterized by abject fear;cowardly. 因害怕而可鄙的;怯懦的
- To commit suicide is a cowardly behavior. 自殺是懦夫的行為。
- A cowardly man He has been ill and is still weak. 他剛生過病,現在仍很虛弱。
- He thought it would be cowardly to draw back. 他認為後退就是示弱。
- A man who is too cowardly to fight too fat to run. 太懦弱而不能戰,太肥胖而不能跑的人。