- This tamed beast will be name-able and will level up with you and grow stronger and larger. 馴服的野獸可以命名,跟隨你一起升級,變強變大。
- They take some time to grow strong and large enough to sustain short bursts of flight, but they mark you unmistakably as what you are: a hero of your people reborn. 你花費了一些時間使自己變得強壯,以致於可以支撐你進行短暫地爆髮式地飛行。即使是這樣,也清楚地標誌著:那個古老而又高尚的血統並沒有消逝!
- The duckling gets stronger and larger. 醜小鴨變得愈來愈壯,也愈來愈大。
- When you grow strong and healthy, thank your stomach for digesting your food. 長得強壯健康的時候,感謝你的胃為你消化食物。
- After a summer here the poorest sheep and cattle grow strong and fat. 經過一個夏天,連最差的牛羊在這裡也長得又肥又壯了。
- By seizing the opportunities of today, Yong An will for sure grow stronger and go further in the days to come! 強永安,創事業、展宏途,還看今朝。
- You said that a gardener uncovers the roots of a good rose-plant so that it may absorb the dew and grow stronger and healthier. 你說過園丁會把一棵上好的玫瑰的根部挖開,這樣它就會吸收露水,長得更加健康和強壯。
- Joyfully welcome each new day, and each new moment in time. As you grow stronger and more purposeful with every experience, the best is yet to come. 欣然接受每個新的日子,還有及時出現每個新的時刻吧。當你因為每一段經歷而變得更強更有進取心時,最美好的事物即將來臨。
- Besides, we have tens of millions of overseas compatriots, and they want to see China grow strong and prosperous. 我們還有幾千萬愛國同胞在海外,他們希望中國興旺發達
- And after a while, a southeaster really blew, and grew stronger and stronger. 過了一會兒,天上真的颳起了東南風,而且風力越來越大。
- Besides,we have tens of millions of overseas compatriots,and they want to see China grow strong and prosperous. We are unique in that respect. 我們還有幾千萬愛國同胞在海外,他們希望中國興旺發達,這在世界上是獨一無二的。
- At the same time, for her mother Moana every day that Aisha continues to grow strong and look after herself "is a blessing". 與此同時,對母親莫納來說,愛莎一天比一天強壯並能自己照顧自己實在是「一件幸事」。
- As the Shang declined, the State of Zhou on the Loess Plateau in the west grew stronger and expanded eastwards. 在商朝日益衰落的時候,來自西部黃土高原的周國卻日益強盛,勢力不斷向東擴張。
- Vitamin D helps bones and muscles grow strong and healthy.Low levels of vitamin D can lead to problems such as rickets, a deformity mainly found in children. 維生素D可幫助骨骼和肌肉變得更加強壯和健康,缺少維生素養D會引發如軟骨病之類的疾病,高發畸形的軟骨病的人群為兒童。
- Jeff: Now its scale is getting larger and larger. 傑夫:現在規模越來越大。
- The job market for collage students has grown stronger and stronger since demand reached a low point in 2002. 大學畢業生的職業市場自2002觸及低點后又開始越來越強勁。
- Do you have sufficient stamina to deal with the pressure that growing stronger and take action. 感到工作上壓力越來越大時,您是否有足夠的精力去應付並採取行動?
- By and large our work have been successful. 總的說我們的工作是成功的。
- Based on its multidimensional operations, Uni-President has grown stronger and more prosperous. 以多角化經營為主軸,歷經多年發展,統一企業的轉投資事業逐漸茁壯,而成為今日枝簡葉茂的統一企業集團。
- And the hand of the Israelites grew stronger and stronger against Jabin, the Canaanite king, until they destroyed him. 24從此以色列人的手越發有力,勝了迦南王耶賓,直到將他滅絕了。