- Certain ear diseases can affect one's equilibrium. 某些耳疾會影響人的平衡能力。
- Meniere's disease is a film of water lost the inner ear disease. 美尼爾氏病是以膜迷路積水的一種內耳疾病。
- They seldom wait to mature a plan,but bring it to a market in a green ear. 他們很少等待一個計劃考慮成熟,往往不成熟就拿出來兜售。
- They seldom wait to mature a plan, but bring it to a market in a green ear. 他們很少等待一個計劃考慮成熟,往往不成熟就拿出來兜售。
- Ask if client has a history of ear disease, trauma, or hearing problems. 詢問受檢者是否有耳疾、外傷或聽力問題史。
- Turn / Rebuke Plants (some Clerics): As previous, but use Green Ear feat (Song &Silence) instead of Requium. 超度/斥責植物(某些牧師的能力):同上,不過把鎮魂曲換成蒼青之耳(歌聲和靜寂)
- The main therapy for autoimmune inner ear disease is pharmacotherapy and the main drug is glucocorticoid. 自身免疫性內耳病以藥物治療為主,主要藥物為糖皮質激素。
- Diag-nosis of middle ear disease was made by tympanomery and otoscopic examina-tion. 中耳疾病的診斷系經由鼓室圖及耳鏡下觀察。
- Lesion of ossicular chain is a common ear disease impairing the sense of hearing. 聽骨鏈病變是導致患者聽力水平下降的普遍病症。
- We conclude that DSE is a ital tool in diagnosing ET dysfunction in patients with middle ear disease. 我們的結論是:在診斷中耳疾病患者咽鼓管異常時,內鏡下動態慢動作影像是一個極其重要的診斷工具。
- Exudative otitis is a middle ear disease with its main feature of conducting hearing loss mediated by many factors. 滲出性中耳炎是一個多因素介導的、以傳導性聾為主要特徵的中耳疾病。
- This paper presents the development of acoustic immittance measurement apparatus and application in diagnosis of ear disease. 本文詳細介紹了聲導抗測試技術的發展及在耳科疾病診斷中的應用。
- The mechanical character of acoustic conduction for tympanic membrane(TM) was concerned since ear disease often results in conductive deafness. 耳膜的病變常常引起傳導性耳聾,因此,耳膜的聲音傳導力學行為已引起人們的關注。
- Objective To develop a catheter which can treat middle ear disease with cannula in eustachian tube by fiberoptic laryngoscope. 中耳疾患是嚴重影響人民群眾健康的常見疾病之一,尤其是慢性分泌性中耳炎,反覆發作,遷延不愈。
- The diagnosis of autoimmune inner ear disease depends on the synthetic advisement of case history,clinical manifestation,immunological checking and treatment reaction. 自身免疫性內耳病的診斷依賴於對病史、臨床表現、免疫學檢查和免疫治療反應的綜合考慮。
- This article reviews the study progresses about preclinical and clinical study of steroid hormone in treating inner ear disease by intratympanic administration. 文章闡述了近年來類固醇激素鼓室內給葯治療內耳疾病的基礎與臨床方面的進展。
- Upon correlation of results obtained on DSE with middle ear disease, the P alue was less than .0001, suggesting a significant relationship between the 2. 在中耳疾病病例獲得的鼻內鏡下慢動作影像結果相關性上,P值小於0.;0001。
- Foreign Pig Blue ear disease prevention is the use of attenuated, domestic Prior to the development of inactivated vaccines on the immune effect at less attenuated. 國外預防豬藍耳病,就是使用弱毒苗,國內此前開發的滅活疫苗在免疫效果上不如弱毒苗。
- "Meniere's Disease" is a kind of vertigo as the main symptoms of the inner ear disease, mainly in the inner ear disease to lymph increased, the pressure increased for unknown reasons. 「美尼爾氏病」是一種以眩暈為主要癥狀的內耳病,主要病變為內耳的內淋巴液增多、壓力增高,原因不明。
- Mr. Green spoke highly of our city. 格林先生很稱讚我們的城市。