- No great ambitions in life just Duer round. 平生無大志只求肚兒圓 。
- In the Jin Dynasty(265-420), there was a man called Zu Ti. He was a farsighted man with great ambitions. 晉代有一個人叫祖逖,他是個有遠大抱負的人。
- In the Jin Dynasty (265-420) , there was a man called Zu Ti. He was a farsighted man with great ambitions. 晉代有一個人叫祖逖,他是個有遠大抱負的人。
- Soft and sweet music soothes the wearied,the sad,the restless,grand music will fill strong men with great ambitions. 柔和甜美的音樂撫慰疲乏、傷心、和不安的人。雄渾的音樂使強者充滿強大的志向。
- He has great ambition but little talent. 他這個人志大才疏。
- The great ambition is spurring him on. 遠大的志向鞭策著他。
- After last night's victory over Napoli, Deschamps said: "If the club has great ambitions, then it's fundamental to keep our champions and to add others. 昨晚贏了那不勒斯的賽后,德尚說:「如果俱樂部野心勃勃,那麼留住我們的冠軍球員和再補充一些新援是最基本的。」
- When have I aim higher, eager to show in the sky in a majestic, after years of baptism, the great ambitions in the hearts of interdependence, but more than a few rain Si Mengmeng. 曾幾時,我胸懷大志,渴望在蒼穹中一展英姿,經歷歲月的洗禮,心中大志依存,只是多了几絲濛濛細雨。
- He has very great ambitions. 他有很高的志向。
- The personified mountains in Mao Zedong's poems are metaphors for his great ambitions, rebellious character, heroic mettle, rock-firm will, romantic temperament and courageous mind. 毛澤東詩詞中的山,已經是人格化了的山,隱喻著他志存高遠的博大胸懷,衝破一切網羅的叛逆性格,奔放豪邁的英雄氣概,百折不撓的堅韌意志,詭麗奇譎的浪漫氣質,勇往直前的超越情懷。
- They revolt at those who have great ambition but little ability. 他們很反感那些眼高手低、志大才疏的人。
- The foundation of a nursing home is her great ambition. 創辦一所療養院是她的偉大抱負。
- His parents held great ambition on his study in the university. 他的父母對他的大學學習抱很大的希望。
- And like you I do not have any great ambition just round Duer. 和你很像我沒什麼大志向只求肚兒圓。
- Shi Shizi had a high opinion of himself and was dissatisfied with the egalitarian life imposed by the computer.There simply was no opportunity for him to realize his great ambitions. 石師子自視甚高,不滿意電腦管制下一律平等的生活,偏又沒有大展宏圖的機會。
- It was the realization of his greatest ambition. 這就實現了他的宏偉抱負。
- As a mysterious continent colonizers, your task is not a step-by-step, but led his troops to explore.More land and greater ambitions ... 手機遊戲介紹:作為神秘大陸的殖民者,你的任務並不是步步為營,而是率領自己的軍隊去探索。
- I admire any one who has got great ambition and are always working for it. 我敬佩一切有偉大理想;並為之奮鬥的人.
- Have grandiose aims but puny abilities,great ambition but little talent. 眼高手低,志大才疏。
- MaHuaTeng's Great Ambition has been Doubted Does Tencent Can Oppugn By Shanda? 馬化騰的雄心壯志遭受業內懷疑騰訊:能否和網易聯手抗敵?