- Gossip is a fearful thing. 流言蜚語是可怕的。
- Prison, to a seaman used to the wide ocean, is a fearful thing. 對一個經常在廣闊無垠的大海漂泊的船員來說,監獄是多麽可怕的地方啊。
- Because the thought of such an act is a fearful thing. 正因為這種行為的思想,原是一件可怕的事。
- A fearful person is a weak person. 怕這怕那的人是軟弱的人。
- Royal gossip is a staple of the tabloid press. 圍繞王室成員的蜚短流長是小報的主要內容。
- Vicious gossip is a rub to sensitive people. 對敏感的人來說,惡意中傷的閑話很傷感情。
- To have money is a fear,not to have it grief. 有錢擔驚受怕,無錢愁腸百結。
- To have money is a fear, not to have it a grief. 有錢使人擔心,沒錢使人傷心。
- To have money is a fear, not to have it grief. 有錢擔驚受怕,無錢愁腸百結。
- As a powerful lion who is a fear to small mice. 作為一頭有力的獅子是到小的小老鼠的害怕。
- The school gossip is a great person to get info from. 學校里愛傳流言蜚語的人是()得路邊新聞的好來源。
- Gossiping is a bad habit that we should avoid. 說長道短是壞習慣,我們要避免這種惡習。
- Here, we can say that Lin Xi is a lyricist with a fear of the sun. 不得不說,林夕是一個害怕太陽的詞人。
- She is a gossip and often speaks evil of others. 她是個長舌婦,經常說別人的壞話。
- Don't tell her anything. She is a gossip. 什麼也不要告訴她。她愛搬弄是非。
- A little indiscreet gossip isn't enough to make you fall into disgrace with all your friends. 幾句輕率的流言蜚語,是不足以使你在所有的朋友面前喪失體面的。
- The fear of ridicule is a very effective sanction. 人們不做違法亂紀的事,其中一個重要因素就是怕人恥笑。
- The circulation of gossip is abhorrent. 傳播流言蜚語是可惡的。
- I think the heart transplant is a wonderful thing. 我認為心臟移植是件神奇的事。
- Gossip is halitosis of the brain. 閑話是頭腦發出的口臭。