- I just bought it in a unique sports goods store. 我剛從體育專賣店買的。
- His father kept a dry goods store in Boston. 他父親在波士頓開一家綢布店。
- I'm keeping a sporting goods store on 37th Street and Main. 我在市區第三十七街開了一家運動用品店。
- Maiga: I just bought it in a unique sports goods store. 麥加:我剛從體育專賣店買的。
- We have laid in a good store of provisions against the enemy's siege. 我們已經貯備了好大批糧食以對付敵人的包圍。
- Because wheat perishes over time, it's not a good store of value. 因為小麥隨著時間的推移會腐爛,它不是好的價值儲存手段。
- Maybe some five-spice watermelon seeds.A dried goods store will have them. 或許一些五香瓜子吧。在乾貨店就買得到。
- Empty tins/drums shall be placed in the approved dangerous goods store. 空罐或空桶必須存放在認可的危險品倉內。
- Jasper's and Trendy Teens are good stores. 「賈斯珀」和「特蕾西汀絲」是好商店。
- They had sawn up the fallen tree, so they had a good store of firewood. 他們把那棵倒下的樹鋸斷了,因此貯存了豐富的柴火。
- Optimize the goods stored in warehouse and ensure inventory accuracy and warehouse safety. 優化庫存貨物的管理並確保庫存準確率和安全性;
- Professional storehouses resolve the merchant's anxieties for keeping goods stored. 專業的倉庫為商戶解決了貨品存儲的後顧之憂。
- Support facilities include control centres and seized goods stores. 支援設施包括控制中心和撿獲貨物倉庫。
- Good stores open nw checkout lanes when the lanes get too long. 當結帳隊伍太長時,好的商家會再開放新的收銀櫃檯。
- The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him. 善人從他心裡所存的善,就發出善來。惡人從他心裡所存的惡,就發出惡來。
- Have a problem with the purchase of milk consumers can buy goods and paper goods store. 已購買了問題奶的消費者,可憑票據和貨物到購買商店退貨。
- Service attitude is very good store, store enough big, goods of SAN marino, really want what what time to walk. 個人認為興隆的東西都挺全的,質量也不錯,但有些東西價格貴了些,不過其他的都能接受。
- Next morning I followed her through the valley's best sporting goods store, dazed at her vast and precise knowledge of fly fishing. 次晨我隨她走遍山谷里最好的運動用品店,她對用蠅餌釣魚的精確淵博知識,使我神痴心醉。
- They stored their goods in a warehouse. 他們把貨物儲存在一個倉庫里。
- In this sports goods store there are a variety of sports apparatus which can help you to strengthen the muscles and Bones. 本體育用品公司有很多運動器械可以強壯您的筋骨。