- The singer forced his low notes. 那位歌手勉強唱出低音。
- He chatted with us for two hours and made notes. 他和我們談了兩個鐘頭,還做了筆記。
- He is used to taking notes of everything he did. 他習慣把他所做的一切事情都記下來。
- Make notes of how much money you spend on the trip. 你要把旅途上花的錢一筆一筆記下來。
- Please take notes of the important while you read. 請邊讀邊把重要的事情記下來。
- He pulled a wad of 10 notes out of his pocket. 他從衣袋裡掏出一沓面額10英鎊的錢。
- I copied out her notes into my notebook. 我把她的筆記抄在我的筆記本上。
- He was startled by the brazen notes of the horns. 喇叭洪亮的聲音把他嚇了一跳。
- I asked the goldsmith if he could make me a ring out of the necklace. 我問這個金匠能不能把項鏈改成戒指。
- Some of the students did not take notes. 有些同學沒有做筆記。
- Certain bank notes were called in. 通告收回某種鈔票。
- Could you give me some small notes? 給我一些小票好嗎?
- Every week they got together and compared notes. 他們每星期都碰頭交換意見。
- I can't read your shorthand notes. 你的速記筆記我看不懂。
- He blew two or three loud notes on his bugle. 他吹了兩三聲喇叭。
- It begins with three short notes and one long one. 這樂曲以三個短音符和一人長音符開始。
- Currency notes bear serial numbers. 鈔票上有連續的號碼。
- He notes down everything that's worth remembering. 他把值得記住的東西全都寫了下來。
- I'm working my notes up into a dissertation. 我正在把我的筆記修改成論文。
- It was an idiom he'd caught from Carol Goldsmith. 這是他從卡洛爾·戈德史密斯那兒學來的一句口頭禪。