- 神怪gods and spirits
- 他擦了擦燈,神怪出現了。He rubbed it and the Genie stood in front of him.
- 神怪觀view on god and ghost
- 這個神怪把阿拉丁帶回了家。The Genie took Aladdin home.
- 神怪小說ghost story
- 神怪文化genie culture
- 神怪電影genie movie
- 神怪情節ghost story
- 神怪題材theme of gods and spirits
- 這時,一個神怪出現在他面前。Then a Genie appeared in front of him.
- 一隻神怪站到了她面前。A Genie stood in front of her.
- 先秦諸子神怪思想述略The various schools of thoughts of gods and spirits in the pre- Qin times: a survey
- 除去神話性或神怪性demythicize
- 很快,神怪在桌子上擺滿了食物,多得足夠吃三天了。So the Genie set a wonderful meal down on the table. There is enough food for three days.
- 神怪幫他辦好了這些事。The Genie did this.
- 中國小說中神怪世界的藝術魅力The Artistic Charm of Gods and Spirits'World in Chinese Novels
- 於是阿拉丁叫神怪把他送去非洲,帶到房子和公主所在的地方。Then Aladdin asked the Genie to take him to Africa where he saw his house and the Princess.
- 魔術師擦了擦燈,神怪出現了。「你要什麼?」The Magician rubbed it and the Genie stood in front of him,"What do you want?"
- 阿拉丁摩擦他的神燈,然後神怪就出現了。Aladdin rubbed his lamp, and the genie appeared.
- 魔術師擦了擦燈,神怪出現了。 「你要什麼?」The Magician rubbed it and the Genie stood in front of him, "What do you want?"