- GO模型GO model
- 他聲明與墮落的兒子脫離關係。He disowned his reprobate son.
- 她怎麼會墮落到偷竊的?How come she has descended to stealing?
- go是個不規則動詞。Go is an irregular verb.
- 他墮落成酗酒者。He has degenerated into an alcoholic.
- Go/NoGo模型Go/NoGo model
- 該城市似乎是墮落的溫床。That city seems to be the hothouse of decadence.
- 基因本體(GO)gene ontology (CA3)
- 她被引誘而墮落。She was tempted and fell.
- 基因本體論(GO)Gene ontology(GO)
- 她引誘了他,他墮落了。She tempted him and he fell.
- 「to go」是動詞不定式。To go is an infinitive.
- 他不因財富和奢華而自甘墮落。He didn't let riches and luxury make him degenerate.
- 兩個GO-空間乘積的正規性Normality of Product of Two GO-Spaces
- 毀滅;墮落To go to ruin; degenerate.
- GO-空間乘積正規性的充要條件The Sufficient and Necessary Condition for Normality of Product of Two GO-Spaces
- 後來,她不再過墮落的生活了。Later on she stopped leading a vicious life.
- 我們得想辦法go into the house,This is the thief's house.
- 看色情書刊能誘人墮落嗎?Do pornographic books pervert those who read them?