- Lana: If you want to get close to someone, you have to take that risk. 如果你想和別人靠得更近,你就必須冒這個險。
- My charm: If I get closer to someone, that person can depend on me. 我的魅力:如果我跟某人變得親近,他就可以依靠我。
- While 21 percent of those who attend say happy hours are good for networ**, 85 percent said attending had not helped them get closer to someone higher up or get a better position. 參加歡樂時光的人當中有21%25表示此類活動有助於人際關係,85%25的人則表示參加此類活動並不能讓他們跟某些高層人士更加接近,也不會對他們升職有什麼幫助。
- He scootered to get close to the island. 他乘兩用滑艇靠近了那小島。
- The hounds are getting close to their quarry. 獵狗正在接近獵物。
- It is difficult for them to get close to the roof. 他們很難靠近屋頂。
- Don't get close to me; I'm about to get seasick. 不要靠近我,我要暈船了。
- The helicopters couldn't get close to the roof. 直升飛機不能接近屋頂。
- I can't get close to you and lose you. 我不能承受擁有你然後再失去你的痛苦。
- Stand really close to someone, sniffing them occasionally. 貼近某個人站著,時不時嗅下對方體味。
- We should seize every opportunity to get close to the masses. 我們要抓住一切機會接近群眾。
- It was such a frightening snake that no one dared get close to it. 這條蛇很嚇人,結果無人敢接近它。
- It is conceivable that it is man's instinct to get close to nature. 可想而知接近自然是人類的本性。
- Screaming fans vied to get closer to their idol. 尖聲喊叫的崇拜者爭先恐後地湧向他們的偶像。
- He somehow got close to me and took hold of me. 他不知怎麼挨近了我,一下抱住了我。
- You are getting close to the answer. Try again. 你已經接近正確答案了,再試一次!
- How often we yearn to get closer to God? 我們是否時常渴求親近神?
- When you got close to him, he smelled the ocean. 走近他時,你能夠聞到他身上散發出來的大海的氣息。」
- The face of the enemy whom he hated belonged to someone close to him. 而此時在他前面的就是那張他所憎恨的敵人的臉孔。
- In Utah crews get close to the six trapped coal miners. 在猶他州救援人員已經接近6名被埋礦工。