- Many citizens do not get caught up in local events. 許多市民對本地事件不感興趣。
- It's easy to get caught up in the social whirl. 很容易被紛繁的社交活動纏得脫不開身。
- You get caught up in your own work. 你可能埋頭於自己的工作。
- How did the contract get caught up in a legal dispute? 合同怎麼會陷入法律糾紛呢?
- Innocent passers-by got caught up in the riots. 無辜的過路人被捲入了那場暴亂。
- But somehow I got caught up in between. 我不知不覺被卡在了中間。
- I didn't reckon with getting caught up in so much traffic. 我沒有考慮到塞車會這麼嚴重。
- People are really getting caught up in Python mania. 現在人們正趕上Python的熱潮。
- But as they get caught up in their ploy, they start to ignore their own wives. 他們各自寫了封情書給對方的妻子,看看妻子會有什麼反應。
- I do not want to get caught up in the business of becoming your messenger,@ said the swallow. 我可不想當您的信差,而被人發現干這檔事,」燕子說。
- The more hopelessly in love you are, the more you get caught up in deceptions and murky nightmares. 愛得越是死去活來,就越容易受騙和做可怕的惡夢。
- Paul got caught up in the rat race and was never at home. 保羅被捲入激烈的競爭中,都沒在家呆過。
- We get caught up in an avalanche of fears and desires that propel us into a race we can't possibly win. 我們被接踵而至的恐懼和慾望包圍,強迫我們加入一場不可能獲勝的賽跑。
- Well, here's what it looks like when those same cells get caught up in the sticky web of a blood clot. 這張圖看起來像是紅血球粘在了血液凝塊粘性網上。
- Many of us get caught up in animating huge acting assignments or even longer pieces of pantomime animation. 我們中很多人都忙著做大的表演作業或者更長的啞劇動畫。
- While it is easy to get caught up in the fascinating history of Egypt, modern Egypt offers just as many interesting tidbits of information. 儘管現代化的埃及只是為您提供各種各樣的趣聞,但是,您卻很容易被埃及那不可思議的歷史所吸引住。
- They value skill over loopy beliefs, and as such don't like to get caught up in arguments over the esoteric concepts of good and evil. 他們相信技術超過信仰,所以也不太願意為那些深奧的好啊壞的概念起爭執。
- When we focus on externals, we too often get caught up in judgments - this is good, this is bad, I want this, I don't want that. 這些判斷使我們陷入我們的幻象、我們的昏睡、和我們舊有的習慣和模式。
- Purpose makes your life easier. It flows. You are in control. You no longer get caught up in life. One that tugs and pulls you this way, then another. 發現你的使命(/目的)的好處在於一旦開始實施、生活、實現這個使命--那麼一切你需要的將都會從生活中開始現形。
- Once there, he gets caught up in the violent world of Japan's yakuza. 抵達日本之後,他就身陷日本黑道的暴力世界之中。