- be as much censured as praised; get both praise and censure 毀譽參半
- The change drew a predictable mix of praise and censure. 對此項試行改革的反應褒貶不一,本屬預料之中;
- It's cinematic charisma." A film director is the ultimate father figure, doling out responsibility, praise and censure. 只有最強有力的人如李慕白才能夠認識到這一點。
- The Chinese art expert who made a bogus bid for two looted sculptures has received both praise and criticism from his compatriots. 對於中國藝術家假競標中國兩個流失雕塑的事情,同胞們表現出了支持與批評的不同態度。
- You can get both Chinese and Western food here. 這裡供應中餐和西餐。
- You needn't blame and censure yourself. 你不必自怨自艾。
- You need not blame and censure yourself. 你不必自怨自艾。
- It is said people can get both safety and happiness by doing so. 傳說這樣就能得到平安幸福。
- Hope the flower of my love, get both spirit and economy to nourish! 我希望我的愛情之花,受到精神與經濟的雙重滋養!
- Offer up praise and adoration to sb. 頌揚並崇拜某人。
- She expands only when being praised and flattered. 她只有受到表揚和奉承的時候才喜笑顏開。
- Get both balloons off the screen. 讓所有的氣球離開屏幕。
- "I am not given to praise and eulogy. 「我是不歌功頌德的;
- Sincerely praise and sincerely apology! 真誠的讚美,真誠的道歉!
- We have got both vegetables and fruit. 菜和水果都有了。
- They gave praise and approval for a job well done. 為完美完成的事他們毫不吝惜讚譽之詞。
- I, who am beyond praise and blame, tell you a word. 我作為一個功罪兩不沾的人,告訴你一句話。
- Your praise and sympathy upheld me greatly. 你的稱讚和同情給予我很大的鼓勵。
- Even President Clinton sent his praise and thanks. 連柯林頓總統都致信讚揚並向她表示謝意。
- BB: i sent you two emails , did you get both of them? 做一個高貴的啞巴;你的沉默里有你的黃金....