- A sense of humor enabled him to get along well with others. 幽默感使他能與人相處愉快。
- Alice seems to get along well with everybody. 艾麗斯似乎和每個人都處得很好。
- Did your son get along well with other lids? 你的兒子與其他同學相處和睦嗎?
- She gets along well with everybody in the company. 她和公司里的每個人相處都很和睦。
- Do your brothers and sisters get along well? 你們兄弟姐妹處得好嗎?
- He gets along well with his boss. 他和老闆相處得很好。
- I found it hard to get along well with him. 我覺得很難與他相處。
- Did you use to get along well with him? 你們過去相處好嗎?
- You shall get along well with your neighbors. 你應該與鄰居和睦相處。
- They really get along well, do not they? 他們零點的處得好,不是嗎?
- Do you get along well with your aunt? 你與你嬸嬸合得來嗎?
- I get along well with my parents. 我和父母相處得很融洽。
- Do you get along well with your neighbors? 你和鄰居相處融洽嗎?
- Do you get along well with your roommate? 你跟你的室友相處還好嗎?
- Mrs. Smith gets along well with her daughter-in-law. 史密斯太太與她媳婦相處得很好。
- In spite of his shortcoming,I get along well with him. 儘管他有缺點,可我與他相處很好。
- Feel for others and you will get along well with your friends. 將心比心,就能與朋友融洽地相處。
- We are getting along well with the program. 我們這個計劃進展順利。
- He made an effort to get along well with his classmates. 他努力和同學們友好相處。
- You'd better get along well with your colleagues. 你最好和同事處好關係。