- Symmetric Research of Algebraic Curve and Algebraic Surface 代數曲線和代數曲面對稱性研究
- The branch of algebra that deals with quadratic equations. 二次方程式論處理二次方程式的代數學的分支
- A genus of extinct, large, flightless birds native to Madagascar. 象鳥,隆鳥一種不會飛的巨鳥,產於馬達加斯加島,現已絕種
- Old World genus of isopod crustaceans. 陸生等足甲殼類舊大陸鼠婦科的一屬。
- Prof. of Algebra: Kiss is two divided by nothing. 代數學教授接吻是不將兩者除以任何東西,不將其分割開來。
- The Density of Algebraic Curve Homoclinic Cycle for a Symmetric Integrable Quadratic System 平面對稱可積二次系統的代數曲線同宿環的稠密性
- European genus of bloodsucking flies. 歐洲的吸血蒼蠅的一屬。
- Old World genus of frequently aromatic herbs. 一般芬芳的草本舊大陸的屬。
- Genus of Old World herbs resembling groundsel. 舊大陸一個草本屬,類似千里光。
- Potentials may be summed by the law of algebraic addition. 勢可用代數和的定律來相加。
- Genus of Old World tropical shrubs and woody vines. 舊大陸熱帶的灌木和木質藤屬。
- Old World genus of annual to perennial herbs: woad. 一個一年至多年生舊大陸草本屬;菘藍靛藍。
- That is the so-called fundamental theorem of algebra. 這就是代數基本定理。
- Chinese genus of 1 species: beauty bush. 一個種的中國的一個植物屬;蝟實。
- divisor of algebraic curve 代數曲線的除子
- Kungia, a new genus of the Crassulaceae from China. 中國景天科一新屬 -- 孔岩草屬.
- Old World genus of the family Cruciferae. 舊大陸十字花科的一個屬。
- The boy hasn't learnt arithmatics, to mention nothing of algebra. 這孩子連算術還沒學會,更談不上代數了。
- A new recorded genus of Podostemaceae in China.n. 恩吉哥斯(山名)
- Cancer is a genus of marine crabs. 巨蟹是海蟹的一種。