- He gave it one final blow and the piece of snot came out of his nose. 他最後用力一打噴嚏,鼻涕從鼻子中流了出來。
- For 30 seconds, cider giving it one more try. 用30秒的時間考慮再試一次。
- When she felt the thud and saw the snake, she gave it one of the baskets of food, and the snake spoke. 她帶去了兩籃子食物,當她聽見聲響看到蛇鑽出來的時候,就遞給它一籃子食物。
- Dean got the snake to move out onto the floor,gave it one good whack be-hind the head and killed it. 迪恩設法使蛇爬到外面的地上時,在蛇頭的後部狠狠地一擊,把蛇打死了。
- Dean got the snake to move out onto the floor, gave it one good whack be-hind the head and killed it. 迪恩設法使蛇爬到外面的地上時,在蛇頭的後部狠狠地一擊,把蛇打死了。
- He pretends to be busy, but it' s all eyewash. 他假裝很忙,其實純屬欺騙。
- But making Mr Dahlan a scapegoat would give Hamas an easy way out of the stand-off, and Fatah has decided not to give it one. 但是把德哈蘭當作替罪羊將讓哈馬斯更容易決出勝負,而且這也不是法塔赫的決定。
- Basically, it 's all a question of upbringing . 這基本上全是一個教養的問題。
- Amy has been playing her radio all morning. I wish she'd give it a rest. 艾米整個上午一直開著她的收音機,我希望她該休息了。
- Then I rediscovered it one day and thought I'd give it another shot.My skin was looking really blotchy and dull from scars after a really bad break-out on my chin. 後來,我的下巴上出現了傷疤和印子,就決定來試試這個產品,晚上輕輕擦了點就上床睡覺了。
- I' m afraid it' s all a dreadful mistake. 看來全都大錯特錯了.
- It' s a matter of a few more miles, that' s all. 最多再有幾英里; 也不過如此.
- She gave it to me straight from the shoulder. 她坦誠地批評我。
- Don' t shut the door, it' s all right as it is. 不要關門,開著好。
- I gave it to him hot for that matter. 為那事我把他臭罵了一頓。
- Don' t shut the window, it' s all right as it is. 不要關窗戶,開著好。
- He'll come to realize it one day. 他總有一天會懂得這一點。
- My cheap watch never kept good time so I gave it the chop and bought a new one. 我的廉價手錶從來走得不準,因此我把它扔了,買了一個新的。
- It s all about pain, and who gonna make it... 它關於疼痛的所有,並且是誰製造的它...
- I had(his) head in chancery, and could give it him. 我把他的頭挾在腋下,可以狠狠地揍他。