- We provide a complete product line of DSC Controller, Digital Video Camera Controller, IP CAM Controller, PC CAM Controller, and Multimedia Application Controller etc, and all our products gain high reputation in the market. 公司研發出的數位相機控制晶片、掃描器控制晶片、數位攝影控制晶片、網路攝影機控制晶片、個人電腦攝影機控制晶片及多媒體應用控制晶片等都已獲得市場的高度肯定。
- In terms of quality product and superexcellent service,the company gains high reputation among the clients. 公司憑藉高品質的產品和優質的服務贏得了客戶的廣泛讚譽。
- It is characteristic to provide some specific service in HR field. It is of high-service standard and achievement level and gains high reputation in this field. 以提供人力資源領域中某一專業服務為特色,具有極高的服務水準和業績水平,在行業中享有極高的聲譽。
- Kerneos main products like Fondu and Ternal White have already gained high reputation from the various local and international companies operating in China. 產品被廣泛應用於干混砂漿,土木工程,礦井,和其它應用的混凝土和砂漿領域。
- He earned a high reputation for his learning. 他在學識方面享有很高的聲譽。
- Professor Cui has a high reputation as a linguist. 崔教授作為語言學家名聲很高.
- Can High Salary Gain High Loyalty? 高薪能否換來高忠誠度?
- It enjoys a high reputation in China and abroad. 它在國內外享有盛名。
- A high reputation is hard to live up to. 盛名之下,其實難副。
- She has a high reputation as a writer. 她是個非常有名望的作家。
- Mary is jealous of John's high reputation. 瑪麗對約翰較高的聲譽表示嫉妒。
- He gained a high reputation by labour. 由於勞動他獲得了盛譽。
- In Guiyang region enjoyed a high reputation. 目前在貴陽地區享有極高聲譽。
- Luther &Maelzer enjoys high reputation in worldwide. 在全球享有盛譽。
- DE in OAI should exlore and improve its OOM in order to gain high efficiency. 龍頭企業應在農業產業化經營中探索適宜自己的組織運營模式並不斷完善,以提高效率。
- She has a high reputation in France as Premier of Britain. 她這個英國首相在法國聲望很高。
- It has a high reputation of many years' standing for good quality. 它多年來一直享有優質的盛譽。
- Cantonese enjoys high reputation and spreads rapidly. 粵方言聲望日隆,迅速擴張。
- China's arts and crafts enjoy a high reputation abroad. 我國的工藝美術品蜚聲海外。
- Afetr been installed on surface grinding machine.the chuck should be ground by the machine to gain high precision. 二、裝在平面磨床上使用前,應自磨一次以保證加工精度。